“Indiana Jones plays no role in the outcome of the story. If he weren’t in the film...

>“Indiana Jones plays no role in the outcome of the story. If he weren’t in the film, it would turn out exactly the same… If he weren’t in the movie, the Nazis would still have found the Ark, taken it to the island, opened it up, and all died, just like they did.”

how do you respond

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doesn't matter

you have watched TBBT again, OP?

I don’t respond, I simply accept it. This doesn’t stop me from enjoying the movie and the charxter

Oh thats nice

how did indiana pacers and the temple of doom know that the secret to surviving the arc’s defense system was to close their eyes? was he an expert in things he had never seen or even believed to exist a few days before?

But then other Nazis would have gone to the site, seen all the corpses and taken the arc. Indy stopped it from being in Nazi hands.

he was an expert in history and mythology and shit like that
even if he didnt believe the ark existed he probably still read a lot about it.

They were digging in the wrong spot. Also, wasn't it Indy who convinced them to open it on the island? I thought the plan was to deliver it to Hitler and then I guess he would have been killed when they opened it. So Indiana Jones prevented Hitler's death when you think about it.

I respond by saying the movie isn't about Nazis looking for the Ark, it's about Indiana Jones looking for the Ark. The outcome isn't really essential to that end. He had a lot of agency just surviving and getting to the end.

so which verse in the bible says that the arc will kill everyone in the general vicinity when opened via melting their faces off unless they close their eyes? i’d like to read that

What if the ghosts of the ark fought the aliens from crystal skull?

I would say the only good indiana jones is the third one

He saved Marion

but its a sexist version of the first one

>the gold digger reaches for the grail and ir gets her killed


correct, still a good movie

Indy found the ark and recovered it for America. If he wasn't there, they would have recovered it after the first wave died.

Yeah and in The Watchmen the outcome would have been same irregardless of the boomer hero, manlet incel and used up prostitute doing all the gay shit for nothing. But that movie is highly acclaimed so this line of reasoning is wrong.

Yes that's why I said its the best one

>The Watchmen
>highly acclaimed


Because they got lazy and cut a segment of the movie out that directly talks about that.

It's not a literal biblical verse or jewish whatever they fucking study. However it does say things like "the arc is sacred blah blah".

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Not the ark, but if you pierce the veil of 7 heavy sheets protecting where the arch of the covenant rests, you're suppose to die immediately. Supposedly some have tried and died from the shock.

Who cares?

>know what the ark is
>find it
>actually open it
What the fuck did they expect? Its like pulling a pin on a grenade and being surprised it killed you.

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Indiana Jones is the heart of the film. We feel his pain when he thinks Marion is dead, we feel the tension as he crawls under the truck, we feel relief when he barely escapes, and we share his happiness at the end. The fact that his actions are undone by the villains does not mean he has "no role," rather that he is just not a Mary Sue that succeeds all the damn time like Rey Skywalker.

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>the Nazis would still have found the Ark, taken it to the island
This just proves the person who said this NEVER SAW THE MOVIE.

The Nazi plane was supposed to deliver the Ark to Berlin. Indy blew up the plane then stole the Ark while it was being transported by truck. Salla hired a merchant ship to take the Ark to America. The Nazis intercepted the boat via submarine.

Only then did Belloc become impatient and decide to open the Ark on a remote island.

Get fucked, op.

Why did they start killing everyone after the humans had brought the skull back? Shouldn't they've been grateful? How did they survive anyway, over the years, in that crystalized form?

IIRC there is a deleted scene where Indy is actually important for the story with regards to the nazis looking for the burial place in Egypt

>highly acclaimed

indiana jones is stupid as fuck. i did a rewatch and its garbage.

>Indiana Jones plays no role in the outcome of the story

the story is indiana jones u dum fuck

I don’t watch kike garbage

>how do you respond
it's all about the Indy's he Jonse'd along the way, user

I have no role in the outcome of the story of life
If I disappeared nobody would notice, and nothing would change

neo would have been better off taking the blue pill