Who is the most *I'M ACTING!!!* actor/actress?

Who is the most *I'M ACTING!!!* actor/actress?

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Driver(in marriage story at least)
Will Smith

Nic Cage, but he somehow made it his own acting style so it's kino.

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He's definitely the weakest part of any movie he's in

daniel day lewis

What did you mean by this?

Jack Nicholson
Al Pacino
Anthony Hopkins

isn't Nicholsons charm that he's just himself in all his films?


t. guy who's seen one Jack Nicholson film

Christian Bale

Denzel Washington

Meryl Streep

Hopkins can be very subtle, especially post 90s Hopkins

Gal Gadot

I tried to think of a case where this isn't true and failed.

Jack Shittleson
Samuel Hackson
Gary Oldham

Robert De Niro
Will Smith

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Can someone explain the premise of the thread?

He gave a pretty great subdued performance in Joe

Who the fuck are you even replying to?
Do you even know how to fucking reply to a comment?

In extreme examples, this is referred to in the performing arts as "chewing the scenery". Dad told me that there's this old 50's movie with some guy playing Nero and he's confronted with these defiant Christian converts and Nero is all NYEAH, YOU'LL SEE, YOU DEFY ME?!?! I WILL FEED YOU TO THE LIONS and he's going at like 11/10, going ham^2 to the point of ridiculousness. I saw a scene of it. That's "chewing the scenery".

I'm sure some user can place the film I indicated, but I won't bother to look it up just now. Nero.

jared leto


Christian Bale doing his American accent.

Actors who cannot act natural and always look like they're acting

What a fucking chump.

How should this have been done?

>i dont like actors who act

holy shit how fucking autistic do you have to be?

Edward Norton


Lose the ridiculous body language of him walking two steps and pumping his fists toward the ground, then have him dial down the delivery

What if she was really far away?

In a world with any justice, DeNiro would have died at 40

Jared Leto

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Redmayne in Jupiter Ascending

>Al Pacino

He stopped being able to perform multiple roles around 1990. Godfather III he's Al Pacino the Shouty man not Michael Corleone. He became more shouty over time.

Then have him actually look like he's trying to get closer, it's walking four feet and then yelling is a retarded middle ground

I don't know man I kinda like the pump towards the ground. It's an interesting physical choice to accompany shouting that you don't see too often in film. You see it in live theatre though every so often

There's a difference between acting and ACTING

Eh, that's a close one. But Django was a borderline bad movie anyway


The key to acting is to do it... but don't do it

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good pick user, always makes me kek

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