What's been your quarantine snack food for your kinos lately?

What's been your quarantine snack food for your kinos lately?

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It's pretty tasty. I don't understand why Yas Forums is so triggered by a simple snack

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Grass fed hamburgers.
As for Even and Chris there, I want to beat them down on an instinctual level. No one should be that excited for anything, or at the very least, that expression need never manifest unless a hot dominatrix is giving a prostate exam.

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They don't have any friends.

Robert delivers my popcorn and crab legs from door dash. I always make sure to give him a good tip for it.


I don't believe you. I tried Burger King's meatless burger and it was ok for a few bites, but then the subterfuge gave way to the truth of it, it mostly tastes like liver (good liver at least) and cinnamon. So there's no way that I'm going to believe that plants can taste just like fried chicken.

Polly-O String Cheese has been treating me nicely

>Food is so shit you have to trick yourself into making it look and "taste" better.

Was he the villain in the end or was he merely a macguffin?

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Gf feet

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So, everyone who's ever touched any kind of condiment?

Why does vegan food trigger people so much? I'm not vegan but sometimes I'll try it and its not bad.

>Age Restricted

WOW what times are we living in where FEET are now BANNED?

Yes, condiments are dishonest cooking.

beef jerky (not the shit kind)
greek yogurt with honey

Cognitive dissonance
Most vegan haters are fat af too even tho veganism has nothing to do with weight

do people without beards do the soi face?

food delivered from mission hill winery in Kelowna only 50 bucks for a dinner for two

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I'm honestly not a hater on the food, I tend to have the issue with those who eat it.
Don't get me wrong Ive met some lovely vegetarians but Ive only known four vegans and theyve been the worst.
Literally being the complete stereotype trying to bombard me with poorly-researched documentaries and complaining about my eating habits.
At one point in my life I was a vegetarian and I'd still got crap from one of them who I was still friends with at that time.

I'm not particularly friends with any of them anymore if you can't guess.


Nice "city" full of crackheads you got there

Post more onions faces

Why do they always make the face

i dated a vegan cunt once, so i know you're lying

lies and slander

Fair enough. I have 4 vegans in my life as friends or coworkers and only one has ever said anything preachy and it wasn't directed toward anyone it was a hypothetical. They're all chill as fuck and don't care if I eat meat around them. I find anti-vegans to be more annoying right now.

I knew a vegan once. Absolute wiccan cunts parading around while believing in dumb shit like chemtrails.

Because you touch yourself at night

I think pretty lucky user, Ive had alot of veggie and vegan friends who been a bit preachy.
I honestly don't mind getting informed and having conversations concerning meat-eating and that kinda thing
I just found that the vegans I ended up being "friends" with and dated two had the habit of bringing up "facts" which they had no evidence to back up with.

It reminds me of this video where some guy was getting ice cream or something, and they were getting ready to take his picture with it for some reason
He didn't know what sort of face to make, so his mouth just dropped open into the natural nu-position
I really hope people are just doing it ironically these days, but i've got a depressing feeling that they're not

when people think 'oh I have to look excited!' they do it
normal men would make a scary shout face these men don't want to intimidate anyone

Fuck they actually look soulless

Why make fake meat?

>Foot missionary queen
>missionary queen

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Red Bull

Alot of non-meat eaters ive met don't actually like alot of the basic veggies meals as they take slightly more time and prep to make enjoyable as they still crave junk food.
60% of them Ive met just buy tons of the premade fake meat substitutes like fake chicken nuggets that they just quickly shove in the oven.

Just had six eggs and a tin of sardines. Fuck vegans. Vegetarians are still cool in my book. If you choose not to eat meat, that's cool. But a man needs his eggs.

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Is that the guy getting his face put on to his onions latte?

>He needs his bowl of eggs
Fixed that for you friend.

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