How would you make a Berserk movie?
How would you make a Berserk movie?
It is the peak of the illustration medium. Similar to LOTR being a fantastic movie series, it can and will never be able to live up to the artistic beauty of the books
Handsome Guts
Guts is black and was a slave instead of his original backstory.
The guy who raped him and the guy who sold him are whites
Griffith is the same.
Casca is a redhead paleskin and guts pops her cherry first time they met.
Griffith loses it when Guts fucks the princess and cucks him thats why he sacrifices the band of the hawk.
Guts defeats the evil while fucking white bitches after that.
>Guts and friends spend most of their time on a boat
>finally get to Elfistan
>proceed to unfuck potato-casca
>movie ends just before she regains her memories
Anybody seen this? Miura lifted a lot of concepts for the golden age arc from it. He said Rutger Hauer was the basis for Guts. It is set in pseudo medieval times with hyperbolized sex and violence.
I'd make it about Donovan instead of guts.
I heard Schwarzenegger and Bruce Campbell were supposed to be the basis for guts
Berserk is not for live action, anime series or bust.
Its probably a mix of diffrent things. Fist of the North Star was also an inspiration. This movie has the same tone as Berserk. Rutger Hauer could also be the inspiration for Griffith as well as Guts. A couple of examples are:
>mercenarys laying siege to a castle
>mercenaries are betrayed by their benefactor
>corpses hanging from trees which looks like Guts birth scene
>leader of mercenary group becomes a messianic figure
>leader loses it all over the love of a virginal princess
What period would have been the sweet spot? Before cg became rampant?
You could do it today if you approached it right
this is from the Blood of Heroes also starring Rutger Hauer and made in 1989.
I wouldn't. I'd listen to it, which is something nobody did
I think the digital animation process is totally wrong for Berserk. Then again, you can mimic art styles quite well now.
i would not
jannies clean this up
Directed by Michael Bay
I wouldn’t. because it would never live up to the manga.
cast him
meme answer is an hour and a half of donovan
the best possible adaptation would be one that doesn't even go very far, just show hobo vagabond Guts doing solo mercenary work and have the end be him meeting griffith/joining the BoH
>redhead paleskin
not allowed. she’s black or no funding!!
lol he "lifted" pretty much everything from Western media for Berserk.
idk, the pacing would probably be shit. the 97 show is probably the best adaptation we'll ever get
too jewy
the transwoman from Euphoria is unironically a good pick, lookswise at least
Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness are very influential as well.
>berserk debuted before army of darkness
>tfw Blood of Heroes is one of the greatest post-apoc movies ever made and almost no one knows about it
The best I could think of
What about an animated movie adaption of the Lost Children arc?
>It is the peak of the illustration medium.
Translation: This is the only manga/comic I've looked at.
>why is that man fighting an evil walking tree?