Let me just crawl and squeeze my way into this small, unknown, unexplored hole

>let me just crawl and squeeze my way into this small, unknown, unexplored hole
>what could possibly go wrong

Attached: -83OLeWWUWFh6cClH1DGpKcMC3c7Meo7EujlfkOYfEE.jpg (1280x720, 221.67K)

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that's what i said to myself last night in your mom's room

>Yas Forums - Television & Film

Unfortunately for your asshole only my dad was home.

Imagine going this far just to smoke weed in private.


This is way more terrifying than any of those hell demons from The Descent

turns out it was your little sister's uncharted hole that i squeezed my body into to escape your gay dad

>op's mom's hole

why is it always, without any exception, exclusively wh*toids getting themselves into these situations?

>things white people will do but then cross the street when a black person walks towards them

what kind of fucking lunatic does this shit for fun. Just looking at these people deep underground wedged into tiny holes horrifies me.

Attached: Birth-Canal-Woman.jpg (600x800, 55.92K)

inb4 some cracker comes in and says they're Indiana Jones

White people are literally insane and lack any soul to speak of, it’s why they start world wars and kill each other by the millions, it’s all just meat to them.

Because we are adventurous and curious. It’s why we were the first to cross the Atlantic, fly missions into space etc I could go on...

How do we stop the wh*Toid menace brother?

Welfare and sheet

a complete lack of fear and a willingness to suffer just to experience the feeling of being alive. it's why they conquered the entire world, and it's also why they're being annihilated.

More caves


>why is it always, without any exception, exclusively wh*toids getting themselves into these situations?

Unlike blacks who go into rivers and drown 100% of the time.

>all this wh*Toid cope
kek, we all know the real reason you palefaces are into these "adrenaline junkie" sports is because you're not getting any adrenaline from having sex

>when you're unironically safer in a cave than around blacks

the feeling you get when think about white people is resentful inferiority, you try to push it away but it's there

is this what i think it is?


bulls dont have entire image boards dedicated to seething about wh*Toids

Fuck The Descent
Also, Juno did nothing wrong

Attached: file.png (834x1390, 1.83M)

I thought that was

I recently read up on this actress and apparently she turned down Big Harvey and he ruined her career. That's why we never saw her in anything else.

Its genuinely fun. I can tell the thot in your image maneuvered herself backwards into a tube entrance for a cool insta pic.


crazy shit

his body is there to this day

>it's fun!

Attached: 1582973983004.webm (480x360, 2.7M)

fuck hollywood

Problems just a spooky skeleton now


Assuming that little 2d map is accurate, isn't it a bit fucking stupid that the part where it breaks off into the birth canal vs the way he went and died wasn't marked as saying that "this tiny hole is the birth canal, if you follow the bigger more obvious hole down you will reach a dead end and get trapped"

Cave are the great unknown; but we ALL know what a black person will do to you like clockwork.