ITT: Great minds of Yas Forums
ITT: Great minds of Yas Forums
Abstract mathematics builds concepts that you can add to your mental toolbox and use in other contexts, it's not just pure arcane nonsense. The topological idea of what a torus is is useful in understanding how your digestive tract is to a large degree still "outside" the "interior" of your body, for example
fuck off nerd
shut the literal fuck up before i fuck your girlfriend
Amateur move my friend, amateur move indee6
*adjusts glasses*
...for you see, I have no girlfriend
*partial differentiates in your path*
I don't know if it originated here but I feel smarter every time I read it
but a torus doesn't have flaps covering one hole and a valve covering the other. fuck off with your neil degrasse tyson shower thoughts havin ass opinions.
he;s right and youre all a bunch of faggots so faggy you don't even realize it
but keep holding on to you muh IQs, please
>for another man
She'll be real interested to know she's been eating pussy as a joke
We should have never given you cavemen nukes.
I think they use it for like space exploration or some shit man
>all this iqlet cope
Haha can’t fuck my gf if I don’t hasbro a gf. Get a better comeback loser.
that's fake tho same with the dinosaurs.
extraordinarily based
are mathematical concepts truly inherent to the universe or are they only inherent to how humans perceive the universe?
>maffs r dum
>says the community college dropout neet using a device that employs quantum effects of electrons to even function
cringe and bluepilled
bro space is fucking real do you really want to believe that we're alone in this universe that's fucking depressing man
Do you feel in charge?
They describe phenomena of the universe that is understandable in a language to us, but it is not the language of the universe. If aliens eixsted, they would highly likely have a different alpha-numerical system that forces them to translate universal phenomenons to a language understandable to them, but not to us until the end results are compared empiraclly.
>useless math lets you do harder useless math
1) ugly
2) not a lesbian
pick 1
>Abstract mathematics builds concepts that you can add to your mental toolbox
Stopped reading there
uhh bro jurrasic park?
He probably could fuck your girlfriend though
The funny thing is that while you slave away learning shit like maths some extrovert chad is going to become the boss of whatever company it is you'll work for in the future and being making more money than you ever will.
i'm a communications engineering major and had a pretty easy time with math honestly. don't really know why but i just see them but now in networking and cloud engineering i really don't use them so yeah kinda based tbhfam
This is a sad fact of life I haven't come to terms with yet. With my personality I don't think I'll ever be able to manage people, which is really the only way to be more than a wagie. I really want to be an inventor, but that's not very practical. Also, that extrovert Chad will probably end up with the lion's share of that too.
thats why they exchanged daughters for a goat the olden times
I can manage the shit out of bitches
>The topological idea of what a torus is is useful in understanding how your digestive tract is to a large degree still "outside" the "interior" of your body, for example
>your mouth connects to your ass and thats how you shit out the food you eat
You got a lot of shit but I for one agree. The more you learn the more you see the patterns and connections. Most schooling doesn't require more than memorization, which is boring and useless. When you really understand something it's much more interesting.
what level of math was this in reference to?