Is he going to be okay?

Sammy seems to be losing it. I think the Adult Swim money finally starting to run dry.

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I thought men didn't hit the wall

That's called steroids

sam went and took a running start, god bless him

Injecting synthetic testosterone absolutely fucking ruins your endocrine system and skin UNLESS you have the money for regular testing and expensive supplementation.

He looks like a rabbi from a nuclear wasteland now.

>i am forgotten

I'm thinking he's as based as ever.

>calls up Tim's show about getting cancelled
>complains about not having health insurance anymore
>supports republicans

what did he mean by this

For a guy that often points out the failings of other people, it sure seems like Sam has fucked up every single thing he's ever done in life.

Like others have said, he's been hopped up on shitty supplements for ages. He was decent looking when he was young. I think being a skinny twink made him insecure so he decided to lift, take test and not eat right at all while probably drinking regularly.

Sam is the wall

>Adult Swim money
he said they each only made like $50k for it, which was essentially a years worth of work. he likely makes half that every month from hydewars and merch.

he has marfan syndrome

lmao what you get for going full MIGAtard

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if you shill sam hyde you're a faggot with a mancrush, the guy's a joke and that image that gets spammed it verified and true wether or not you can cope with it.

why was he injecting

I would do anything to get people to stop giving Sam money

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>the guy's a joke

isnt this good if you are a comedian?

So he fucked a 15 year old e-girl thot in the ass and treated her like trash and that's supposed to make me like him less?

pretty much me
i havent watched a movie for probably a decade but I love when new movies are released so I can go online and talk about how awful they are

I know this is a one-click close-window shill thread but since it's here: When I think back even right to the very start of MDE it's clear. Sam's product is despair. When you're young but lost and worn down, his stuff catches your attention and it seems like he knows more about how things got this way. It's really tempting to start biting onto that because it would be a lot harder to examine what you did yourself that brought you where you are. So you go on his ride but later, hopefully you get out and eventually face up to yourself and how you can change and then things start looking better. From this point of view you feel sorry for sam but also like, he should probably die for pulling people down into his shit world. Some of them might not make it out. For all the talk of tranny discords, sam might as well be running one
>discord tranny: take estrogen pills and become infertile and fuck your body up so much you kys out of regret goy
>sam hyde: inject test and take abacus pills and become aggro and hostile and fuck your relationships up so much you kys out of regret goy
Anyway I guess Sam's own despair is maybe faltering since he got his Big Truck (though he still has to live every day in his own company) and he needs to keep selling so he brought in Hassle who is like despairEVOLVED.
I can't remember where I was going with this specifically but I maintain that from where we are, what could be a more clear act of generosity and kindness to all beings than getting sam and Hassle off youtube, off gumroad, off the streets and most importantly, off the catalog

he's completely right about mental hospitals, they legit just throw meds at you and your release date means fuckall about your health and wellbeing, it's entirely determined by how long your insurance will cover your stay

Heebs will not divide us

damn... how'd you do that? did you hack the image or something bro?

>ignores literally everything else
How much is his gumtree these days?

i dont think we'll ever know what happened between charls and sam. nick doesnt give a shit, sam lies out his ass 24/7 and youll be lucky to hear charls mention mde ever again.


He's right about doctors though. They are nothing, literal shit humans. They care nothing about you, they have no empathy because it ran out when they spent their 8 years in medial school. They get a fat pay check and feel they are worth more than they are. They are looked at like holy beings from people with illnesses. Then a nurse is told to pump them with drugs because the doctor remembered that you do X for Y. Nothing masters

haven't watched the video but would it happen to be the case that what he gets right is either obvious or basic Yas Forums talking points and therefore ... he doesn't need to be a thing?

What is this guy's deal? What's he getting at? What is his inner life like?

I like sam.

>What is his inner life like?
it would be extremely painful


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there may be some more naive people who have yet to actually experience how mental health services work in america and actually think they are there to 'help you' with pills, but someone so naive probably wouldn't be watching MDE