WACO miniseries

Jesus fuck I'm mad after watching this. FUCK the Fed cocksuckers

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have you heard of ruby ridge?

Was this like a big show when it aired

imagine having to wait for a netflix miniseries to get mad at your government overlords.

I think Ruby Ridge is depicted in the Waco show

There was mass shooting in Canada today. April 19 seems like day of mass deaths. In fact the month of April has lot of death and chaos for some reason. Anyone know why?

Its not a netflix original

>feds killed a cuck sex ring and almost all the hellspawn that associated from it
Pretty based, if you ask me

ruby ridge is probably a better case against government agents killing people for fun, but only like 7 people died at ruby ridge.

the government killed like 50 children during waco. and never blinked a fucking eye.

Somewhat, there were threads here and but it wasn't particularly big or successful. Those who watched it liked it tho

April is the cruelest month.

if you get violently angry after watching programs about waco then you might just be a massive meat headed imbecile.

isn't this like 2 years old? why is Yas Forums talking about now?

based ATF dabbing on Branch Davidiots

that is such a bullshit poem. i have been to war. that nigger just cleared trenches of bodies.

>making an unironic WTF i hate X now thread

Koresh was a fucker, but the people who followed him believed in him. Hell, I lived on a similar community farm but just right after the sex God leader got kicked out and we were just a community. I'm sure a lot of people who dies just wanted that lifestyle minus the sex cult.

I was born the day they found Kurt Cobain in April. I feel cursed by April.

I saw it live when I was 10. It was shocking seeing the US government us tanks and military equipment against US civilians.

>Dumb smoothbrains couldn't act like regular human beings
>Got smoked like the fags they were

based feds
fuck cucks, schizochads, and cult roasties

Was it a based clap back?

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do you literally not understand the reference?

google the string "april is the cruelest month"

it will give you the poem he is refering to and all the people who want to comment about it. are you really this fucking stupid?

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I've been arrested the past 5 Aprils....think I might just make it this year.

well at least he killed all those kids.

i truly hope you go to real jail and get ass raped by a giant nigger.

> actually understand the bible
> understands NO FAP before it was even a thing
> dabs on societal and government pressures
> based trying to open the 7 seals by fathering 24 children
> lives off the land, makes goods to sell at a fair price
> protects his people and provides for them
> only has sex to procreate not to enjoy it
> scares the shit out of the elites

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>No crater
How? Did the blast go up?

It should be legal for the government to execute dissenters on site