Is it that hard for Hollywood studios to hire competent costume designers...

Is it that hard for Hollywood studios to hire competent costume designers, especially when we're talking about movies with a +$150 million budget?

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I'm fairly sure most of that budget got Uwe Boll'd into different accounts

nepotism is more important

Uh oh this is a bad sign. Flop incoming.

finally an excuse to post this

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Why? I don't see a logo so I don't care. People used to build sets out of McDonalds hamburger boxes and talk into spray painted electric razors in high budget sci-fi movies.

but that looked good, this looks like lazy shit

Lmao post more

Gimmicking consumer shit like is pretty commonplace but just painting some gloves is lazy shit that should get you blacklisted from wardrobe.

Pretty clear they hired a lazy costume designer. Everything posted so far looks terrible.

Is it really any different though? Are gloves in sci-fi not allowed to just look like gloves?

couldn't even afford to give her tits.

What technical reason would there be for all stillsuits to have knuckleguards as a standard feature?

>i-it looks cool...
No it doesn't.

she cute

I need to buy one of these for my shitbox car

Do you think Oakley gloves exist 10,000 years in the future?

there's literally a little O on every digit

The original classic.

Attached: ice cream maker.jpg (750x381, 49.42K)

Oakley SI is based though.

When we're talking about a movie adaptation of one of the best, unique and most known sci-fi franchises ever, pushing your imagination to the limit for the creation of set/costume/etc designs is absolutely necessary in order to capture that same exceptional spirit of the world-building the novel has, otherwise you're not faithful to the visionary outlook the author has created and which made the book the masterpiece that it is today. Of course gloves should look like gloves, but not like your ordinary gloves we see nowadays - as said, we're talking about a period of time in the future where things have undergone drastic changes in all aspects of the human life (clothes, technology, religion, etc.) and showing total lack of creativity and negligence speaks only bad things for the people involved in the movie

Those don't just look like gloves.
They like the sort of meaningless gimmicks that out of shape mall ninjas buy from cheaper than dirt because they like the fantasy that some day they'll need armored knuckles to punch someone in the face. Unless you're riding a motorcycle armored knuckles like that are pointless, and even for a motorcycle rider you could make the very strong case that knuckle armor is way less important than palm sliders.

What do random people on Arrakis need knuckle guards on the wrists of their stillsuits for?

the problem is the gloves they chose are contemporary and branded. They are neither classic basic leather gloves which are essentially timeless or futuristic look at all.

If they were going to be lazy they could have just bought these painted em brown and left it at that .

Attached: knox-handroid-pod-motorcycle-glove-2.jpg (900x600, 82.7K)

they have to cut corners somewhere....

Not just people, James Cameron

>Of course gloves should look like gloves, but not like your ordinary gloves we see nowadays
Ordinary gloves would be fine.
Ordinary gloves would be superior.
These aren't ordinary gloves their tacticool bullshit gloves that people buy to feel like hardasses.

You got a licence for that sail and those wheels?

unless they are going to pull a Marvel and add a ton of detail on the walls with cgi the entire production looks cheap to me.

when comparing to Lynch's it really is soul vs soulless

Fremen don't usually wear gloves they coat their hands in oils to stop sweating.

nigga those are the most common tacticool gloves on the market
this would be embarrassing for a budget network show
maybe dress her in jeans while they're at it
and what the fuck are those double knuckles

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You'd complain doubly so, if they used these gloves.
The ones they use in OP's pic look alright and fit in with the aesthetic of the rest of the costume.
It's not like anyone except for very specific people familiar with the gloves will notice it.

Heres you paul atreides bro.

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I'm more annoyed by the fact that the stillsuits look so baggy when they're supposed to be basically skin tight spacesuits


Welcome to the real world, where not everything is built from scratch but made in the most effective way. Those gloves look generic as fuck, just like the concept-artist intended. The costume designers would've been fired if they wasted time on finishing hundreds of gloves, where you cant tell the difference between original pieces or Walmart ones.

>caring about gloves

>You'd complain doubly so, if they used these gloves.
no I wouldn't.
most the people looking at the Knox gloves wouldn't recognize them and would just assume they were cool looking or at least seemed 'right'

hell.....even in the rider world they are considered special Gucci tier

>caring about stuff

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if you
ride motorcycles
shoot guns
were ever in the military or a leo
or even played flipping airsoft you recognize those exact gloves and it is distracting af. The fact that they by painting em and added knuckle armor on the wrists was enough is pathetic.

The Fremen don't even wear gloves. They rub a sticky resin from a bush on their hands to prevent moisture loss and add grip.


>The costume designers would've been fired if they wasted time on finishing hundreds of gloves
but they DID have to do that user, as the gloves don't come stock with an extra set of knuckleguards sewn on to the wrist. Try harder.

it's not Dune anymore
it's D U N C

>you recognize those exact gloves and it is distracting af.

no, you dont

woah, you can't just buy military grade gear think of the children




kitbashing =/= sewing from scratch

>you recognize those exact gloves and it is distracting af.
Or if not those exact gloves, you recognize the design. The problem is those gloves are generic in the wrong way. They're generic made in china motorcycle/tactical gloves, and anyone that sees them is going to be wondering in the back of their mind why Ali Baba ships to Arrakis.

>no, you dont
which explains the dozens of comments on this very subject in this thread and numerous others on Dune fan sites......ffs even on reddit it became a thing and the people defending it where almost all your typical redditor type.

Yes, you do.
Leave your basment.