What is the best external hard drive for storing kinos and why is it the WD Elements Portable series?

What is the best external hard drive for storing kinos and why is it the WD Elements Portable series?

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easy to plug and play with all your devices and doesnt fail like a seagate

Based but also shills

I dont know what brand that is, but thanks for reminding me to never choose it

>relying on a single brand
>relying on a single model

>Brain>>>>>>>>>External Hard Drive

bought one just last week and desu i love it so much i might just purchase a second WD Elements Portable series 4TB external hard drive. also i fucking hate niggers

I just send jamal who steals that shit

of course he gets to bang my white gf in exchange

i also give him about $1200 per month dont know if it matters

Should I get one of these instead of an internal SSD?

>doesn't know the most famous hdd brand

depends what you want it for. gaming go with ssd but kinos stream fine off these

passport > elements > easystore

Not OP but i have a WD hardrive since 2003 or something, using it every other day, and it's still working great

i have a 4tb and it bricked on me. lost all those movies man

>download movies on my cell phone via cell network
>Move them to my PC for back up
>And then move them onto an external so I can watch them on my TV

Why not internal drives? Assuming you're not using a NAS.

most 'people' are too dumb to install internal drives

I'm glad for you. But that's not indicative of the entire run, or whether new models from the brand are as reliable. Variance is better, within budget of course.

>watching movies on your phone
not sure if you're baiting hard with this one

I don't watch them on my phone, I watch them on my TV

External drives are more convenient and you can plug them into your tv or any other device with a usb slot without the need to unscrew and reopen shit

Why just not first download everything on your computer, and then transfer it elsewhere?

>not having a NAS
>not having in-wall Gigabit Ethernet wiring

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i'm too poor for this shit

external drives are overpriced right now. thats why shucking is so popular these days.

OP is just technologically inept.

>i have a 4tb and it bricked on me. lost all those movies man

I currently have one of the WD Elements ex-HD and I keep telling myself to order up another as a back-up, as I also once had an ex-HD grind to a halt on me and lost years of stuff.


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>Using mechanical storage in current year
Just buy an internal ssd and a sata to usb cable

what's the point when you can stream everything now?

>external drives are overpriced right now
when have they ever not been

raid 1

>internet gets throttled because of WuFlu

Nothing personal drivelet

>he doesn't just have a 4 TB NVMe drive

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>he hasn't prepared for the imminent global internet blackout

hasn't happened yet

I lost internet for a month because of a provider fuck up.
I had to save my phone plans 4G for work, so I was glad to have my many terabytes of downloaded movies right then.

My home internet sucks and it's the exact number of steps if I don't bother moving the files to the computer and just plug both in at the same time

All it takes is one good storm, someone to cut something they shouldn't because they're a new tech, a car to hit a pole with a wire that you're relying on. I haven't run out of water either, but I'm fucked if I don't have any on hand when a pipe blows.

First legitimate thread on tv for years.

I actually find Toshiba more reliable than WD/Segate
Then again they don't produce nearly as many units so statistically the fail rate would be about the same

For me it's my Segate 3TB external harddrive since 2014

Attached: S130-8704_main01_amz_mn_2933287.jpg (300x300, 10.45K)

And my 4 TB external from 2018
Had to buy this to download Napoleon

Attached: disco_duro_externo_4tb_seagate_expansion_2_5_usb_3_0_negro_05_ad_l.jpg (800x800, 61.18K)

Also I have a 250 GB seagate little external hard drive that I found in a old storage room at college
And a 500GB Western Digital that I got in 2017 from a friend, it stopped working a few months ago though. Luckily I backed up everything to the 4tb Seagate when I got it. And I hadn't really used it since then.