Anti-SJW types get exposed for acting like snowflakes over the film Dune, just because they're black people in the film.
Anti-SJW people are now the new SJWs:
I just came into this thread, in fact, into this board (Yas Forums is a shithole, i'd never be a regular here), just to call you a retard.
This site was never meant for Yas Forumsaggots like you, you’re the only one who does not belong here
>b-but niggerposting
Calling people niggers and "nigger stole my bike" were memes.
It was edgy humor.
Saying "nigger" back then didn't have the same intention the average brainwashed Yas Forumstard uses it for today.
There weren't politics involved back then, nor personal social views of any kind, Yas Forums ranged from slightly liberal to apolitical back in the day.
It's just like calling everything "-fag", there was no real hatred behind the word, it was just memetic in nature.
Only relatively recently people have started coming here full of bile and hatred, and they post here simply because they get insta-banned literally anywhere else on the internet.
This happened because we all acted like retards for years for laughs, and then actual retards started thinking they were in the right place to act legitimately retarded, and eventually they took over as all the sane, rational people left, got a life outside Yas Forums, or killed themselves.
If you want to push historical revisionist garbage, at least try to understand the shit you're posting in the first place.
Nothing outs you as a massive newfag more than misunderstanding old Yas Forums culture thinking you were "one of them".
You were never "one of them", back in the day the userbase here would've laughed you off the site and called you an angsty, retarded emo kid.
we're black people in the film?
>race isn't important
>the change is always to black
>despite there being more latinos nationwide
>and more asians in California
>linking your yt channel
Okay nigger
lmao actually believing this
i know this is pasta but someone genuinely wrote this and believed every word
>Mother daughter relationship is objectively a improvement.
Kek this father abandonment cope is off the charts.
>movie literally about islam
>didnt cast any arabs
>"Yeah, they raceswapped AND genderswapped a character, and yes, the director admitted it was because he felt that there weren't enough women in the source material, but the movie's still gonna be good, so deal with it."
Every. Fucking. Time.
>because he felt that there weren't enough women in the source material
Is a group of women literally being behind the plot not enough?
They removed Mapes too. Cause apparently she's not important enough.
take your meds
White guys who read and enjoyed Dune are the real SJWs? Am I right guys?
Im fuming that they didn't get a Arab tailor to make fremen cloths i mean wtf. Theres no Arabs in this and they filmed in Jordan or something. Unironically pretty rascist. Chani is also meant to look irish "elfin face, red hair" now she a halfcast nigger.
The only actor who really fits jason mamoa as duncon.
>They removed Mapes too.
Fucking hell.
>cast black girl as Chiani
>remove her father from the film
Dats racist.
>race isn't important you incel
>but is must be always shitty brown nigger because asians do not exist, we need as eyesore niggers as possible
fuck this, replace EVERY nigger with asian or arab, you get this 'diversity' without having to shit it up with walking turds
If he really think mapes isn't important to the plot he didn't get dune.
And if they actually intend to do more, he's a bad cast as well, because he'll be nearly grandfather aged by the time he'd be filming even Children
What did you expect an black father? Thats just silly
But sharon brewster would have been perfect as mapes. ugh. Actually makes sense for her to be black aswell since she lives out sheild most her life at arrakeen. And can actually get sun. Unlike other fremen who live in rocks most their life.
They can't shame me into going to see their shitty movie. It's going down like a lead balloon .
Quit crying. You sound no better than the sjws. You're making everything abt race
Just ignore Jessica and Alia goys.
this thread
The race switch is a pacifier and outrage filter for the inevitable concussion that is the implication of the Kwisatz Haderach being able to access pure genetic male memories and experiences and basically telling women there's a thing they can't do. It's a 4D chess move in my mind but we'll know when it comes out eventually
Quit crying. You're no better than the anti anti SJWs. You make everything about race.
fuck niggers!
I Know. But they would have had to do this anyway. Duncon is like mid 30s in dune. And early twenties in messiah. They can get a younger actor to play him and i'll be fine with it. I'd much prefer duncon be age appropriate in the first movie then too young, he need that mature but also naive attitude. That Duncon portrays and unironically jason mamoa is gonna kill it.
>if you don't like (((them))) to pozz a loved franchise, you're just like them
I came here to post this
Lol Iphone in pocket.
really hammers home how retarded these normies are.
>Captialism bad, we destroy the earth
>Pays for overpriced apple shit
Because jewish progressives hate arabs more than any other race on the planet. Did you see Aladdin? Jasmine is a half indian half caucasian girl and the film doesn't look like arabia, it looked like an indian bollywood movie. They hate arabs so mch even when the source material is arabic they have to suppress it.
And then they want brownie points for being woke.
I hate this niggerfaggot
I don't like Arabs but shit like this drives me up the fucking wall.
Its like when people say maories are native to new Zealand. Even tho we have hobbit size abbos skeletons predating them.
>haha im an oldfag
no ones cares nigger faggot
because eventually joking about something like racism and shit eventually convinces all the internet autists that its all true
Based, if moot were smart all those years ago he would have removed anonymity.