Cast a trainwreck of a face

>Cast a trainwreck of a face.
>Movie pretends she is hot.

Wtf bros? Why do they do this? They don't have money to cast a hot babe that will make the story realistic? Are the producers female? What is going on?

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Does the invisible man do anything to her?

Who cares. She can fucking act

Ok Simp

Imagine being the Invisible Man and realise you have to stalk Elizabeth Moss. You walk into her house and are all like "Oh fuck yeah, I'm getting to stalk Elizabeth Moss of Mad Men and The Handmaid's Tale fame, god she's so hot, this is awesome" while secretly trying not to retch at the sight of her. You walk into the bathroom as she's showering and are like "Oh fuck yeah, she's naked in the shower, that's so hot" while trying to put thoughts out of your mind of searching her medicine cabinet for pills or a razor blade to slash your wrists with.

I've seen her in numerous movies and series, I've never seen her act

>Guys, OK, this is a little crazy, but hear me out:
>What if ugly... IS... the new hot?
But it wasn't, live and learn

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This was such a garbage. Waste of Invisible Man's character. I hope Bride of Frankenstein will actually explore monsters and not stupid human drama.

This is just what the left does. It's almost like 1984 double speak. Ugly is beautiful.

The executive producer had an ugly daughter who wanted to be an actress.

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great, now well have a week of threads about this movie since redditlettermedia talked about it

Its more like Harrison Bergeron.

Read it, its only about 5 pages and its one of the best scifi short stories of all time

Here' the whole story...

Attached: Harrison Bergeron Balet.png (1280x534, 747.42K)

Incels need to be reprogrammed. Lowered expectations are the future of the species.

They never said she was beautiful. He just fucked with her because he knew she was an easy target - probably because she was ugly and felt like nobody else could like her.

>THE YEAR WAS 2081, and everybody was finally equal. They weren't only equal before God and the law. They were equal every which way. Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else. All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th, and 213th Amendments to the Constitution, and to the unceasing vigilance of agents of the United States Handicapper General.

The guy who interviewed her for a job was drooling all over her.

Jews hate your race and society.

He looks beta as fuck so of course he would

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Sweet I'll check it out

I'd rather fuck a chubby chick with a pretty face then a skinny girl who looked deformed. I think most people agree.

she's great in mad men

She was never portrayed as hot, it was just her abusive obsessive controlling husband who fucked with her.

>United States Handicapper General
the nazis can't write meme is once more true

cool dubs bro

Shes pretty in her own way. I loved the movie and thought she acted very well. Maybe you guys are just faggots who obsess about the irrelevant.

Based and checked

>She was never portrayed as hot, it was just her abusive obsessive controlling husband who fucked with her.
how DARE you being factually accurate?!!!

Vonnegut literally fought against the nazis in World War 2 you retarded faggot

She was perfect the role because she has a crazy looking face which made it much easier to doubt her claims about her invisible ex

I would prefer if there were zero beautiful people in movies. That way the actors would actually deserve to be there.

That was bad. One of the few scenes in the movie i actually did have a problem with.

The whole point was that the dude was perfectly able to get hot women. They even say he could have supermodels of genius women but he can't stand the idea of anyone looking better than him, so he went after a plain, homely nobody from the suburbs.

It's literally a part of the story.

This unironically makes me afraid

No where in the movie do they act like she’s hot faggot. If you watched the movie you’d know it’s because she’s one of the only people who resisted his advances at first, ugly women are tremendously easy to manipulate and abuse. Pretty girls may have the same shit done with them but there’s an out for them because they look good. In a situation like this an ugly girl KNOWS she has nowhere to go but stay