thanks soccer moms, giga corporations, karens, christcucks, feminists, and SJWs.
we cant have any expression of sexuality anywhere in our civilization now.
sexuality is a normal, natural, healthy, and fun part of the human experience.
and you faggots have ruined it for our entire civilization because your sexuality is so filled with fear, shame, jealousy, and anxiety that it has become malfunctional.
malfunctional to the point that you seek to destroy it for everyone else around you.
art is being destroyed by you in the exact same way that ISIS destroys a buddist statue.
the same exact moral bullshit to justify the purging of [thing i dont like]

you should be ashamed of yourselves.

its awful.
sexuality is one of the most profound emotions and motivations that humans have.
and our art is approaching the point where it is incapable of exploring it.
what happens when our art no longer speaks to the natural human condition?
what happens when political factions destroy the expression of our most deeply felt feelings?

our culture is turning into a corporatized, sterilized, and empty desert that has no value.

international corporations are mathematically incapable of creating transcendent art.
they have to appeal to the widest possible international audience.
so they cannot create anything that is verboten to an entire list of factions from the chinese communist party, to islam, to feminist soccer moms.
the end result is vapid and empty capeshit with no emotional or artistic value being released one after another.

i think that the only thing we can do is seek and generate our own culture.
culture that breathes life into the human experience.
culture that gives voice to our most viseral emotions.
the human experience is not political correct.
it is a visceral animal that is ugly and beautful all at once.
and it can never be satisfied by some focus group tested corporation.
and therefore there is no reason to seek a corporation to understand it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Do you have like an automated ticker for each day to remind you to post the same shit verbatim? Asking for a friend

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>in conclusion, child drag queens are a good thing

He's at it again, boys!

Ok coomer except you know you can find infinite porn online


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Don’t blame Christians for this! This is a pure feminist SJW move. Don’t buy into liberal propaganda that Christians are just a bunch of prudes.

Adam and Eve where naked. Nothing wrong with nudity. It’s when it becomes degenerate that Christians have a problem with.

A naked mermaid is fine. She should be naked. It’s when she’s sticking anal beads up her ass that the problem arises

Hey, fuckhead. Yeah, you. FUCKHEAD. When was the last time you felt passionate about anything? About a cause, about something that stirred you? I guess it's NEVER. You faggot. You fucking fairy zoomer faggot. Why don't you fucking go outside for a change instead of operating that fucking PHONE all the time, and learn something about life? You CUNT. THEN maybe you won't post goddamn shit like this when a man is opening his heart and pleading for others to do the same.


Attached: Come out to the coast, we'll get together, have a few laughs.jpg (1280x720, 134.59K)



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The less smart people have a constant problem of all the more smart people becoming Marxists. So all they can do is to drown them out with media volume. Ultimately, the more intelligent will prevail.

And yet, you censored your pic, you hypocritical faggot.

Ok coomer

What's inside your heart is pathetic

Who cares. Take your meds schizo

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Meaningless term. What's "degenerate" is completely subjective.

And yes it's because of christians that we're like this now. Literally every civilization from the romans to the indians, the chinese and even the muslims were fine with erotic art in public view until christian faggots from Europe came and colonized everyone.

then why are you a cuck for censoring the image?

You mean same Romans and Greeks that had little boy sex slaves and town orgies?

Same China that has one of the biggest sex trade operation. Where women are so devalued an entire generation of them been killed off. Where there are so women now they’re sex trafficking them in

I don't understand Disney at all. Skirting around the borders of pre-pubescent sexual awareness within kids movies is what they've always done.

Literally every Disney movie is about a man and women overcoming obstacles to get together.


So your way of expressing your passion is by mindlessly screeching about it over an oriental ching chong cartoon pedophile secret underworld? Heh

I don't mind a black Ariel. but the way they're pandering and cramming it down our throats like Marvel did with Brie..... cmon

In most cases nudity in movies is completely unnecessary and is only there for gimmick reasons to draw in horny losers.

In this case, it actually is warranted. She’s a mermaid, so of course she’d be naked coming out the ocean in her human form.

Don’t support them. Download the movie illegally online or buy a used Blu-ray or DVD. Don’t subscribe to Disney +

So you wouldn't mind a white Black Panther?

>Blaming Christians for anything Disney does
It's been run by Jews since Eisner you complete moron

Attached: The Little Kool-Aid.jpg (499x499, 40.8K)

Shut up Ben Shapiro.

Based! Based on what? You!

Christians have absolutely no power in the media, please stop blaming us. This is clearly the work of land whale feminists.

OP is clearly a fedora tipping loser hipster who’s fat feminists mom blamed everything wrong on Christian instead Jew degeneracy

its your fault for going to see cuck wars and letting Disney water down creative output.