Alright lets settle this
Who was the thing here
Carpenter said one was infected so it could be either one
Alright lets settle this
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Neither of them was.
>phone posting
He says as he posts an anime girl
Are you going to post a smug one next you little faggot child, think about what your cartoon princess girlfriend would think of you talking like that
You ugly sack of shit, you look like a fucking ballsack
he didn't say that
pfffft. so he did the same thing as ridley scott saying deckard was a replicant, he got tired of people asking and didn't really care any more
Doesnt matter
Who was the thing in the end
Fuck him
This retcon makes me uncomfortable as fuck, john why
>level headed during entire movie
>doesnt trust anyone
>willing to sacrifice macready without knowing if hes human still
its pretty obvious just going off of character.
also the chess wizard scene wouldnt be needed in the movie unless it was forshadowing macready knowing he was beaten at the end of the movie and giving it a drink just like he did the computer
Holy shit based
also from where childs ran out from, to the shack where the kept blair was pretty close to each other... childs would have just ran out and told them he thinks he saw blair because hes been level headed the entire movie. because he knew thats where they were
So when did he get infected then
right before the they show childs running out into the snow, theres a scene of the camera panning up from the basement stairs going into the room that childs is standing next to the door from behind. im assuming that camera work is supposed to be blair flanking him and turning him
Mac did not offer Childs a normal whisky bottle but Childs drinks it regardless. Childs was the Thing.
Arent assimilations super bloody though
They show the same room without childs there and its clean
the only one i remember being bloody was bennings i think his name was?
at the end when gary gets turned all the thing does is touch his face to connect it to his hand.
i just think all the theories like the breath/eyes/molotov are over analyzing.
carpenter is a good filmmaker and i trust his characters actions/decisions & the scenes he chose to include over anything else
did you guys ever read this short story? it's neat
It doesn't matter but in every single piece of supplementary media it's Childs.
The eye thing was just for that scene
You can see the eye shine in the already assimilated crewmembers in other scenes
The molotov thing is bullshit too, the thing gets all your memories and knowledge but it cant figure out that you cant drink gasoline?
The comic series, the novel by Watts, the game, the script for the proposed TV series I think, etc. However the alternate ending has a surviving dog be the Thing so in that case it'd be redundant for Childs to be a Thing too. The novelisation has more Things but I can't remember if they added any of the human cast who weren't infected in the movie.
yes it does, he wasn't being genuine. if you ask me, the alien split off from itself again creating a smaller creature to survive and escape while it fell into mcready's trap. that's what childs saw and chased after. after the main body was blown up, the two survivors would be content to lower their guard while the camp slowly freezes
>Carpenter said one was infected
He never said that okay faggot
The game was confirmed to be canon
Not by anyone with taste, though it is a good game
The film opens and closes with MacReady offering a drink to the thing that beats him after initially thinking that he's managed to outsmart it.
The Thing can't imitate inorganic material, yet Childs has a gold tooth and gold earring in the final scene.