Some say it's a massively underrated masterpiece, others say it's shit. So which one is it then?

Some say it's a massively underrated masterpiece, others say it's shit. So which one is it then?

Attached: boardwalk-empire-i11789.jpg (473x709, 80.57K)

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The former

A rock-solid drama set during Prohibition.


Never listen to anyone who uses "under/overrated" as a criticism.

>dramatic episode ending
>next begins with drama completely deflated

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SA tier until Jimmy's death

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only jimmyfags and racist incels insult boardwalk empire. seasons 4 and 5 are kino

5 was frustrating. It didnt need to spend half of its shortened run time showing decades old flashbacks

S1 and 2 are flawed gems. Could have been something special but just misses the mark. S3 is stupid but so much so that combined with the fact it regularly goes for the jugular it might be the most enjoyable. After that it's pretty shitty with some kino moments to string you along and make you wonder what might have been.

Boardwalk threads on Yas Forums while it was airing were chill af. Capable of cringe though

First 2 seasons are kino
It goes downhill 3 and after

fuck jimmy fags. seasons 3 and 4 were the best ones

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it is good, meme worthy even

Good show, no business being on top 10 lists like I frequently see however.

It was a really good show that kinda lost it's way after season 3, but was still pretty kino

First two series are amazing. It then goes on a steady decline with a shit final season.

I'll also never understand why they changed history just for a shitty cliched ending. Having him back where he started, sitting in on women's institute meetings would have been a great way to end it. Also a few days after the series ends, everyon gets tax evasioned.

Nothing against Chalky White as a supporting character but the nigger plot lines just weren’t that good

>series features the IRA
>portrays them as the bloodthirsty cunts they are

Was kinda surprised by this.

this is a gyp board, jimmyfags go back

Season 2 was the best tv has ever offered me.

was amazing until jimmy died then it was pretty good

that character was annoying as fuck

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that poster tells a more nuanced and well written story than the show ever did, kind of like cara delevignes photo shoots compared to her acting.

Wonder if Jimmy would have survived for season 3+ if the actor hadn't completely torpedoed his own career

Started off great, later seasons were trash

the real life Nucky remained a popular figure even after he was paroled from Prison

what did he do?

it should have been much, much better considering the cast and the subject matter. Capone, Rothstein and Van Alden always felt underused even considering the great scenes they had. the Nucky and Margaret's storylines were so lifeless in comparison.

it works a lot better when you can hide her manface and inability to express emotion with photoshop

Yeah I think they all but flat out stated they killed him off because he was such a pain in the ass to work with.

He is infamously hard to work with, like arriving extremely late to set and acting like an uncooperative cunt in general.

I heard that he felt up The Scemi in his dressing room and when Scem complained Pitt called him out for a fight

>t. Black bastard

S1 & 2 were on a whole different level.

Fuck off, Brit