Is everything becoming worse or is this just what getting old is?

Is everything becoming worse or is this just what getting old is?

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It's all downhill after 18

2016 was the year everything became shit. Before that, only most things were shit

Sort of both.

Your mom is getting old on my dick

90s were the last comfy decade
t. 40 year old boomer

imo it was 2011, i've only been browsing since 2008 and noticed a massive change in Yas Forums around that time and then most of the internet seemed to open up to average person using it more

Everything is becoming worse honestly. The cultural black hole the COVID 19 lockdown is creating will never be undone

Where do these fags who talk about getting older is a bad thing come from? I'm enjoying this way better then when I was in my early 20s

Yas Forums has gotten worse, but it's because of Kojimoot fucking with it.

Life was supposed to get fucking exciting... The user above is right, after 18 it's over, it's fucking hard to hold on. I've been suicidal as fuck since I was 19,I'm 20 now but my health is going downhill fast, not that I'd care, all the parties, free time without a worry in the world having something to look forward to, talking to girls, hanging out with 10+ friends to drink, all gone. And to think I made the concious decision not to go to my prom, lol. Still regret it, but at least I felt like one of those white knights that choose suffering over pleasure for higher purposes.

2008 is when Yas Forums went to complete shit

so your the poster who keep banging on about cyberpunk

yep. every normie i know is bragging about how much unemployment money they're getting. our generation is so fucked at this point. we'll be living in bunkbed cubicles with 40 other people working 50 hour weeks for a pittance by the end of the decade.

you mean 12

Things were shit for years before Covid. If anything there's hope it'll bankrupt a lot of the producers of said shit.

12 months

i feel you bro. i have to drink just to not think about killing myself, but the drinking is taking its toll. i don't even enjoy it, but its the only option its self medication, without it i would end up kms'ing.

Other than mirroring everything to a shady forum and installing adware banners, what has he even done since he took over?

>tfw this episode make u realize hating everyone and everything and just feeling detached from regular society all my life means i have assburgers
woah, what a breakthru! thank u south park for making me realizing i have the autism. it really explains a lot about my entire life that i didnt realize all these years

Both. Cinema is literally creatively dead, most new shows turn to shit after season 1

It was about getting older dipshit, ass burgers was a made up reason for the joke to work for the next episode, Trey and Matt nailed the part about getting older and certain things starting to suck, it can be ass burgers but it can also happen from excessive cooming.

or the next episode whatever fuck you i have autism fuck off youre triggering one of my sperg fits now i have to go punch for more in the hole thanks a lot faggot

old entertainment was made for passion to get you to think or laugh

modern entertainment is made to brainwash you and conform to the director and producer's beliefs

hiring tranny jannies

Unironically this

fuck im sorry man how was I supposed to know?

You're just realizing that there's nothing else in life but mindless indulgence and slavery. Welcome to adulthood!



Drinking is the only thing that's making me happy anymore, it's a shame how life turns out sometimes

i was like this even as a kid so basically adult life hasnt changed at all for me. i was a miserable bastard who hated everything since i was born

Ok zoomer

No everything is really getting worse.

>modern entertainment is made to brainwash you and conform to the director and producer's beliefs
religitards were saying this same shit in the 90s

No. It's objectively becoming worse again. I can only speak for myself, so I know I'm partly becoming jaded. and 95% of what came out of the nineties was shit. But that's been largely burried under the sands of time. But there still was progress: mainly technologically. And money was no problem. There were still some stories that hadn't been told. At least not in pop culture.

We'v' been recycling and recycling and progress has come to a standstill, almost.
There's nowhere to go from here.

I thought we were going to carve out our own story. A new one. Reach for the stars and all that. But I've just become a cog in a big machine. We probably always were, but there's no hope anywhere reaching out to you personally from pop culture. Sure there is still good music and there are still good movies. But Youth culture like skating and going to the mall, arcades. Meeting at public places has become very faded. That's gone. There was a lot of boredom back then but my mind seems to have filtered it. We inhabit vessels of flesh and blood that need physical contact and interaction, but technology has progressed so far that it's not really necessary anymore. We could drop that from an economical point of view. But our bodies can't keep up, we need that physicality. And it's affecting our mental wellbeing as well. We're becoming obsolete in a world we have created ourselves. I forgot what I was talking about, but yeah, No great revolutions anymore. Or at least having the illusion of being part of a great revolution.
We're headed toward a logical conclusion.

The lockdown has only been going on for a month and it will probably be over in another 2 months tops, I don’t get why people say this will cause permanent changes. Most people have memories like goldfish and they will go back to their normal ways as soon as daddy government gives the all clear.

Both. But more the former.

and they were right.

And were they wrong?

Really was the last good SP episode though, really would have been great if they left it as the series finale and fucked off


This. I grew up in the 90s. Had diverse friends though nobody ever brought it up. As a kid NEVER not once ever heard anyonr say they didnt like T2 or aliens because the main character was a woman. All of that shit is modern propoganda to create problems that werent their.

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Agreed. Would have taken this over PC Principal, Member Berries, and Tegridy Farms any day.

Everything is getting worse in all sectors, it is not simply about getting old.

i've been playing chess lately, it helps. i saw a quote that was like "chess doesn't drive a man mad, it keeps a man from going mad," or something, and so i started playing and it is very therapeutic. that combined with drinking and sleeping 12 hours a day make life almost bearable. i think i'll go to jail before i kill myself though, because jail seems better than life in this society. if that shit sucks too, i'll just kms.

Media now is more about holding you attention more than being a product. This happened because media has gone form being a product based system to a service.

2007 was the last good year. 08 on is when i started to notice how shitty things were being praised as great. That south park episode about them trying to raise the bar for all things entertainment was so spot on.

only normalfags worry about this shit. the deeper you go into the abyss, the less you care about cultural pleasures you missed out on.

>most normies would admit we live in a pretty shitty time
>during this time blacks and especially women have more rights than ever before and are in more positions of power than ever
>society is worse off

Hmmm how odd..

Blame fikod and the reddit culture he encouraged of "GAMES/KINO FOR THIS FEEL" offtopic shitposting. Then when they ban you completely arbitrarily they're too cowardly to even link the post anymore, leading to people ban evading and shitposting even more. The moderation here is completely incompetent and wouldnt even fit the bill as real janitors by how poorly they do their jobs here


They were right about so much be we ignored them because we were brainwashed to mock Christians.

Don't fall for the objectivity trap. The problem doesn't lie outside. You are becoming disillusioned because you realize you don't have your family to care and fulfill your psychological needs. This path ends in massive coping through depersonalization. Act now, find a real waifu

2016 was the last good year and if you think otherwise, you're probably a tranny.

this and not having a pure ginger gf is what makes me sad

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Cope zoomer

2016 was shit. it's more like 2012 was the last tolerable year.

What is it about 2016 that you zoomer think is so great?

I am thinking the bar started being lowered around 2005..

The same thing happened in the game industry look at the games that came out in 2007 and compare it to now. It's like every year the graphics get better but the games get worse.

had a good friend marry his pure ginger church going g/f. Quickly ended up pregnant and had a kid. She now looks like a pile of human fat with a toe head.

Hideous. Never go full Americana, bros.

when gay marriage got legalized and they immediately started pushing tranny shit and pedophilia after, a lot of people noticed.

apparently that feeling you get loving someone in your teenage years never comes back if you missed it RIP

>Act now, find a real waifu
yeah, but how? how do you form relationships with people when your entire life is devoid of the trials and errors necessary to build them? do you just try to find and bond with people that have the same mental hangups and emotional stunting that you do? something tells me relationships like that won't end well.

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its getting worse here is the history of it getting worse and the solution

Its because most of them stated browsing in 2016 after then came over from reddit