Jennifer Connelly

Jennifer Connelly

Attached: 00636C3D-80FA-4528-B358-DC83CBD6F771.jpg (1280x720, 92.79K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>not posting the webm of her
delete your thread and try again

Attached: 1404252380394.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

Attached: 1486850999820.webm (524x734, 527.44K)

Overrated, also has terrible eyebrows


Attached: jennifer connelly once upon and time in america.webm (1000x562, 2.45M)

>terrible eyebrows
Holy fucking shit. I'm used to seeing terrible opinions, especially when it comes to women, but you take the fucking cake. How can someone be such a massive basic faggot?
I bet you like Emma Watson and Daisy Ridley

>ywn be locked in a big box store overnight with prime Jennifer Connelly
Why even live?

>terrible eyebrows

Fuck you.

Attached: Labyrinth audition.webm (480x360, 2.98M)

I said they are terrible, not that they're too thick/thin. They are just terribly shaped and doesn't fit her face, which, as a matter of fact, is pretty average and I don't understand all Yas Forums craze around her. Yes, she's a good-looking woman, but nothing special

Easss wit eass

for me, it's jennifer cunnelly

Attached: 7 minutes of heaven.jpg (1118x1134, 165.18K)

>I said they are terrible, not that they're too thick/thin. They are just terribly shaped and doesn't fit her face, which, as a matter of fact, is pretty average and I don't understand all Yas Forums craze around her. Yes, she's a good-looking woman, but nothing special

Just stop.

Imagine not posting prime Phenomena/Creepers JC.

Attached: 52b2b3d5fd3718ed958a666a3089e68c.png (973x1199, 623.38K)

the most perfect woman to ever have been created next to lynda carter

Attached: 80s comfy.jpg (348x480, 34.21K)

this nigger gets it

Congrats, your posts have been reported for faggot attitudes

Underrated flick.

Attached: Jennifer Connelly Phenomena-2.webm (1204x720, 2.92M)

Attached: 1553115051203.webm (1280x542, 2.99M)


Attached: 1380973864050.gif (412x412, 215.99K)

unbelievably based

t. gordita

Attached: 150109-chola-eyebrows[1].jpg (750x450, 24.32K)

Attached: 1413175685262.webm (960x540, 2.65M)


Attached: Jenn (21).jpg (1280x720, 118.11K)

Attached: Jennifer Connelly Phenomena.webm (1200x720, 1.46M)

Fuck your opinion

Attached: 1557874012583.jpg (500x500, 59.3K)

Attached: 1541551369752.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

I think it's great. I always had a deal with my ex. When she'd want to torture me by making me watch Labyrinth i'd only do so if immediately after we could watch Phenomena to wash the taste out of my mouth. She alternately didn't get Phenomena "because it was weird and stupid" but also was scared shitless by just about every horror movie and would have to stop them. God I hate women.

Do you think she has pabic attacks when she sees her old movies and pictures ?

Attached: images (37).jpg (640x424, 27.24K)

Time for work, but hey since this webm isn't sfw, i'll have to leave it as a link for you
or this one

Attached: it's literally clock tower.jpg (745x1000, 761.97K)

Attached: labyrinth-jennifer connelly.webm (1160x544, 881.6K)

I still can't believe she let that ugly old man lay his wrinkly body on top of hers

I have no idea what a pabic attack is

Attached: 1574001249747.jpg (1227x1715, 535.54K)

Attached: TifaConnelly.jpg (539x693, 150.53K)

* panic
How do i edit my posts in this website?

Attached: 1586998944425.png (904x543, 964.34K)

a cute.

Attached: 1565451970322.webm (480x250, 694.99K)


Attached: jennifer-connelly-sex.gif (280x152, 3.99M)

Attached: Labyrinth.jpg (567x369, 41.74K)

i never got the obsession you guys have with her. yeah she was beautiful in her prime but she wasn’t anything unique or special. she just has that “plain” beauty that so many girls have.

Too bad she went for a 10 to a 7 cause of old age. What is she 50?

it happens to everyone m8. I guess it's harder for really beautiful people but still
and she married this guy and had 3 kids

Attached: Paul_Bettany.jpg (665x1000, 103.97K)

Did they use a double for that scene or is it really her co-fucking with that dildo?

thats literally the best thing about her
women with no eyebrows are disgusting


Attached: a2a.jpg (620x347, 25.31K)

>how do i edit my posts

Attached: ddd40a48477c002f3beddf2b7943a94e-imagejpeg.jpg (329x332, 40.92K)

Post someone you consider unique and special then so we can ridicule your shit taste

No, this guy.
Nah some people age better than others. Other that were goofy looking young can end up with a dignified regal old age look.

Attached: actors.jpg (775x1024, 366.63K)

i recently discovered she was a jew and therefore not allowed in the ethnostate

>Do you think she has pabic attacks when she sees her old movies and pictures ?
If she got a man and had kids and kept the family together, then she's immune to that. She's growing old gracefully. It's only perma-single whores who freak out about wasting their youth. She didn't waste hers, she spent it wisely.

t. fat bitch

in hindsight the gigantic tits and thick eyebrows should have been a dead giveaway
>muh khazar milkers

why did you reply to me and meme arrow my post?