Why is jewish humor so unfunny and even repulsive?

They seem to be doing the very opposite of humor and instead just demoralize and humiliate people even though they themselves are as pathetic as it gets. Its like a gateway to doing something really graphic.

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Most jokes that you'd considered "based" for making fun of Jews are written by Jewish people

>implying someone who is obsessed with Jews and pretends randomly people are Jewish has a valid opinion of humor
Yas Forums needs to be bannable again like when molt was here. this site is so bad

Because having genuine clean humour means having an empathic soul - most Jews lack this quality.

It doesn’t make it better that normies support them.

Jewish humor is the best.
>Jerry Stiller

That's a big dildo you just pulled out of your ass, user.
>if it looks like a jew and it acts like a jew then its not a jew
American saying. Also why do you call everything you don't like Yas Forums jewish humor is really well known world wide.

Why are jewish pedophiles striking it big in the online right wing comedy scene?

Jews living in Gentile states are inherently subversive, because they rejected the new covenant.

Jews literally write all sitcoms and comedy movies

Zoolander is the most reddit movie of all time.

How come you people are too afraid to talk this in real life? I see big fat neckbeards walking around all the time but they never have the balls to speak their lunacy in public

He is sarcastic.

Jews wrote every movie you've ever liked

Why would we talk to you about it, LMAO. Just like you don't talk with us about your blood libel.

Imagine watching and discussing hollywood movies all day long while simultaneously hating Jews. Being pol is suffering.

>looks like x, acts like x, is x
is only valid if you have an accurate, mentally stable picture of x. you are a biased and obsessive subhuman Yas Forums user and couldn’t possibly be more wrong in all of your beliefs.

What television and film comedies do you like that arent written by Jews?

So you admit having no education yet have the nerve to call other people lesser? This is why we need an IQ test for this site.

Imagine actually talking like this. You must be massive

If we were talking about Russian influence, Chinese influence, Saudi Arabian influence, or certainly white privilege and systemic oppression, no one would blink. It's only when you talk of Jewish influence that the hammer comes down.
By the way this thread will be inundated with a cadre of Jews who will ignore or obfuscate everything you say, and pin the blame on absolutely everyone except themselves or their people. You won't even get a crumb of acknowledgement, such is their way, that of the sociopath. They absolve guilt by pinning everything on their victims.

None of the people in that picture are Jewish so I guess that disproves your stereotyping.

You are literally incoherent. Why cant you speak english correctly?

Who the hell are you talking to? The voices in your head? You're on a television and film board.

I would literally kill myself if I was this mentally ill

the amount of anti-Jewish shilling is a lot worse than any of those, so that’s part of why. people who are against Russia or China probably have twice the IQ and moral character of the typical neonazi shill.

Jew comedy is like the one thing even nazis give them credit for. If the retards in your post are the only representatives of "jewish humor" you're aware of should stop posting on Yas Forums and stay on /eceleb/ where you belong.

Maybe the problem is in your TV?
You will probably kill yourself in a few month when you realize how wrong you're.

in youre trying hard and probably the type of poster who feels need to say nigger tranny faggot kike every other word to feel like youre down with le edgy Yas Forums/nel humor, but youre wrong

are you really calling the butthurt propaganda that your life revolves around “education”? you aren’t human dude.

Sam Hyde is A Russian Jew isnt he? Or at least a half-jew from what I recall.

Dont know who the big fella on the left is but he looks Jewey as fuck.

The only propaganda is the political ideology of science in biology. Why am I no human, dude? You're most likely some complete trash emotional subhuman that is the filth of the world and creating all this misery.

>he has curly hair so he’s Jewish
pol genius hard at work

>and also dark hair and big nose and jewish phenotype
Are you Frank? How do you manage to make a post with these sausage fingers?

not him but i assume youre the type of person who calls everything they disagree with on a moral and political level propaganda but not stuff you agree with?

The user was asking why people don't speak this way in person, or on television, and I gave an answer. You only face repercussion and severe punishment when accusing one group of people of ill intent, despite the framework already being established that groups are capable of ill intent (Saudi Arabia, Russian, China, etc.,).
It's really simple. The only reason you are reacting in such an incredulous way is because I'm critiquing Jewish power. Which is the point.

Can't you see that they just use emotions and screaming, not a single sound argument for now.

>curly dark hair and a big nose
wow you’ve only narrowed it down to a billion people. guy doesn’t even have a big Roman nose like some Jews have. You are legitimately retarded.

everything said on Yas Forums is bullshit propaganda. they have the worst average intelligence anywhere

>small nose
And he has the same slimey look as jj abrams man.
See, this faggot has not presented a single sound argument

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lol that’s bullshit, Jews get zero special protection. It’s not jews fault that neo-nazis are a well known and easily spotted group of evil subhumans. Maybe if you were a less cliche drone you’d be able to hide it better. Don’t blame people for spotting you, insect.

Large nose in itself isn’t Jewish Exclusive. It’s the way that it’s large. Jew noses have a distinguished hook to them (their whole nose looks like it’s slipped down) and also width as well as length. The tip of their noses also tends to be bulbous as opposed to straight and bony.

The easiest way to tell a Roman and Jew nose apart is if it looks like a high bridge with a bump or more like a 6.

The Jewish nose should be called the hook nose not the crooked nose. A lot of races have crooked noses

>Reddit: The Complete Collection

I wouldn’t call it small or big. And it’s not Roman/aquiline shaped. You are one obsessed retard.

Mel Brooks alone torpedoes your entire retarded argument.

>small or big
And what would you call it then you fucking brainlet moron? You're frank or some other jew trying to damage control you fucking faggot. This is as jewish as it gets.

There is zero difference between a Jewish nose and a Roman nose, you fucking moron. There’s no special Jewish nose genes, that’s not how evolution works. Some Jews have the Mediterranean genes for that nose shape. You don’t even qualify as a pseud-intellectual.

>Jews get zero special protection
lmao. I'm not even a Yas Forumstard, but you are extremely delusional if you actually believe this. People like you who thoughtlessly dismiss any commentary on Jews that isn't; "they have have big noses, make a lot of money, and they're funny xD" only give these people more ammo.

>oy vey

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MDE was never funny.

I cant believe Yas Forums is still retarded enough to consume their content

average? look at this subhuman imagining that someone has a bump on their nose bridge to call them Jewish. Your own parents wish you were dead. Yas Forums posters are literally inferior to bacteria.

Is Sam Hyde jewish?
Also, is that black dude with an afro also jewish? His "humor" is very similar to MDE

>The ADL, the SPLC, holocaust survivor groups calling in to Amazon to get books critical of Jewish power (like those of Louis Farrakhan) banned, the fact that many of the major media companies like Fox News have jewish presidents like zionist Sheldon Adelson who donate heavily to influence elections
Oh, of course! The fact that anyone who hints at criticism towards Jews is immediately linked to Hitler is just a natural outgrowth of the educational system. What did I tell you earlier ITT, that a cadre of Jews who ignore any argument presented and typically obfuscate the questions in order to impugn the character of the speaker would appear en masse? How does this keep happening in such a predictable manner?

It's crazy how schizos assume Jews and trannies have infiltrated Yas Forums but continue to come here 24/7, even though they could already be victims of these supposed shadowy psyops.

Just see how he gets dominated and pussies out instantly.

There are a few differences between a Roman nose and a Jew nose

1. Roman noses are not wide, Jew noses are
2. Roman noses have triangular tips, Jew noses have bulbous tips
3. Roman noses have high bridges, and the crooked of it come from the sloping down of this said bridge. Jew nose slopes down all together. Hence, the famous Jew six

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