he is also a single father hahaha i said in one of these threads about how she is distractingly ugly that i had to google her because i was sure she was some big hollywood guys daughter or something, but she isn't. it's really just inexplicable
Wyatt Miller
yeah if I had an invisibility suite there are other things I'd be busy with that chasing that
Dylan Robinson
Women fantasize about attractive/rich/high status men raping and controlling them.
Justin Ramirez
i havent seen the movie. i will say sometimes youll meet someone and just be infatuated with them. it can defy logic. something about them is so attractive, you dont see reason.
Benjamin Miller
The fragile white male ego strikes again!
James Reyes
yeah it's almost like she's full of ghost aliens from a volcano
>And let's ignore the infallible BLACK man protecting her, even though that wasn't the case in the movie. One of the most blatant racemixing propaganda movies I've ever seen. It was hilarious how they clearly cared more about making the black guy appear more perfect with each scene than the horror elements.
>first scene showing him as a caring, lovable father >then you can discern he has an IQ of 200 and always knows what to say >then we see him in fashionable business clothes >then he barges into the room at night and he of course also finds the time to have a bodybuiilder body
Finally felt better about there being a reason I'm alone
Liam Thompson
oh no i was too late!
I would help solve crime!
James Gomez
Anything wrong with what I said, Redditor? It's shit writing, no matter what way you look at it. Even if you're a Jew, a black guy, a girl, a total leftist, you should see this is completely unrealistic shit writing, and also not even in the book anyway.
Thomas Phillips
rape, murder, rob, ect.
Joshua Cruz
la goblina blanca
Oliver Hernandez
The most unrealistic premise of it all is that the black child's mother is the one absent and the father still around.
Gavin Cox
liberals don't deal with blacks so they're creativity suffers when it comes to these things, take this weak insult for example
John Peterson
>I'm an unloving, dumb, poorly dressing, out of shape loser >therefore everyone else must be
Benjamin Walker
this one was extremely off-putting how many black hydrologists in their 20's or whatever exist on planet earth? also, it was some pederast shit too, because the daughter character is supposed to be like 13 or something no, he's right. it's just completely unbelievable and takes you right out of the movie. between that and how ugly this chick is, the invisibility suit is the most believable thing in the movie
Owen Fisher
>even though that wasn't the case in the movie. Shit.
John Rodriguez
>liberals don't deal with blacks
Literally what does this mean?
Jaxon Phillips
this fucking piece of shit movie was a straight rip off of verhoeven's classic hollow man. and hollow man shits on this movie.