Why are there so many white male rapists in Hollywood?

Why are there so many white male rapists in Hollywood?

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Other urls found in this thread:

ncas.rutgers.edu/sites/fasn/files/How Jews Became Smart (2008).pdf


Nowadays if you touch a woman it's considered rape

I think you meant to say Jew male rapists OP

>jews are now white

Woody Allen dindu nuffin

Judaism is just a religion. There are Jews of all races.

yea Mia Farrow tried to rape his career thats about it

>woody allen
100% consensual.

Why do you have to take a DNA test to get Isreali citizenship?

this except unironically
the only one to come forward with claims against him was a disgruntled ex and certified crazy bitch mia farrow

>There are Jews of all races

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For some people

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Woody Allen didn’t rape. The crazy Mia Farrow invented everything plus brainwashed his son.


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>same old bait the
>same old baited replies
sick website, lads


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>Judaism is just a religion.

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user the jews themselves track this stuff, even have rules that define it.

Jews are just smarter version of Whites

t. japanese

huh....but I thought...

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Why are Jews observably smarter than whites?

>However, the average IQ score of Ashkenazi Jews has been calculated to be within the range of 108 to 115 under some studies, which is significantly higher than that of any other ethnic group in the world

ncas.rutgers.edu/sites/fasn/files/How Jews Became Smart (2008).pdf


Literally the same sources that state blacks have lower IQ than whites which you take as gospel truth (i.e. Lynn, Taylor) are the same ones that state jews have higher IQ than whites

Literally the only defense lower IQ groups have against these studies is the same ones that blacks use against white IQ such as "they cheatin!"

Attached: jewish IQ.jpg (998x883, 284.07K)

Compared to whites, Jews have:
>Higher IQ
>Higher GDP per capita
>Higher percentage of professional degrees
>Higher percentage of STEM jobs per capita
>Higher life expectancy
>Higher high school & college graduation rate
>Lower rate of violent crime
>Lower rate of drug use, drinking, & smoking
>Lower rate of STD's
>Lower rate of broken homes/wedlock births
>Lower rate of unemployment
>Lower rate of welfare use
>Higher rate of self-made millionaires

What's the deal? Are they just superior?

Attached: jew master race.jpg (652x350, 19.34K)

Can general opinions on jews please move to Yas Forums?

Look at this brainlet post.
>compared to whites jews have a higher GDP
Most European countries have a higher GDP than Israel.
bhttblasted kike.

these three specifically didn’t do anything wrong although all three are repulsively jewish. i give polanski the biggest pass because he’s actually a great filmmaker

Gr8 B8 M8

The truth will set you free and it cannot be contained

There are literally more white people in America with an IQ of 108-115 or higher, than there are Jews on the entire planet. There's around 17 million of you TOTAL while there's 200 million whites in Burgerland.

Maybe the group of people that tells us how they've been oppressed and genocided by every non-Jewish group, would feel no compunctions about networking with other Jews into positions of power?