Your home board is filled with soijacks, political nonsense, and anime threads?

>your home board is filled with soijacks, political nonsense, and anime threads?
>I can fix that

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you hear about pluto? that's messed up

>if you do not reply to madame zeroni's post you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity

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no u

My mom had a crush on him



this movie is the most based thing disney has done since toy story

It's enjoyable as far as at least half of the discussion is about the board's original topic.

Where da white women at?

>you here about pluto, messed up right
>I can fix that

go back to your safe space.

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not gonna lie...that nigga was charming af...

checked madame zeroni

>Never start with the 3 day ban, the victim gets all fuzzy. He can't feel the next...
>*Janny hits Pepe with the 7 day*
You wanted me? Here I am.
>I wanted to see what you'd do. And you didn't disappoint. You let 5 trannies shit up Yas Forums with Blacked threads. Then you let Hiro take your place. Even to a guy like me, that's cold.
Where's Hiro?
>Those admin fools want you gone so they can get back to the way things were in 2007. But I know the truth. There's no going back. You've changed things...forever.
Then why'd you wanna fire me?
>Ha ha ha I don't wanna fire you! What would I do without you? Go back to posting gore on tumblr? No. complete me.
You're garbage who posts NSFW content on blue boards
>Don't talk like one of them, you're not! Even if you'd like to be. To them, you're just a no-life incel, like me! They need you right now. When they don't...they'll cast you out. Like a jew from 90% of nations. See, their FAQ, their rules: it's a bad joke. They're dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as Hiro allows them to be. I'll show you. When the servers are down, these, uh...civilized moderators, they'll ban each other. See, I'm not a monster; I'm just ahead of the curve.
>*Janny grabs pepe across the table*
Where's Hiro?
>You have all these rules, and you think they'll save you.
I have one rule.
>Ooh, then that's the rule you'll have to break to know the truth.
Which is?
>The only sensible way to post on this board is without rules. And tonight you're gonna say the N word
I'm considering it.

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Truly a based actress

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This movie gave me the biggest craving for onions and peaches, might give it a rewatch today.

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I that Psych?
That show is carried entirely by Gus and Shawn

I just realized that it's the same dude from Psych.

I also find the dynamic between Shawn and his dad is pretty good.

This movie honestly had excellent casting choices for their respective book characters, also Sigourney Weaver was a babe in this and Galaxy Quest.

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thanks, a blacked thread is just what we need right now.

jon voight looked so much like an old dyke in this. like mac's mom from it's always sunny.

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Definitely the best of any YA novel adaption.

nuh uh

If only, if only

Fuck I can’t unsee that now

Imagine the size


That's my elbow

I'll carry you up the mountain alright
and then I'll throw you off the fucking edge of it you fucking bitch