How powerful is he?

How powerful is he?

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Are you asking how powerful is his cock? What's wrong with you PERVERT

He can cook minute rice in 40 seconds

12 microsievert, tops

weaker than dumbledore

Attached: dumbledore.jpg (660x330, 58.59K)

about tree-fiddy

Ive heard that he has no gag reflex

solo'd a Balrog. Barely

bretty powerful

Gandalf? Not very. Probably just strong enough to 1vs1 a balrog.

Dumbledore didn't come back from the dead.

Gandalf: 1
Dumblefag: 0

Gandalf the gay should stick to fireworks

130 years of virginity

As one of the Maiar who helped to shape Arda he's an immortal whose mission is ensure Middle-Earth stays in tune with the song of Eru Iluvatar.

>discussing power levels
gross, nerd

So pretty powerful, Just on the edge of being Valar, the weakest of the Ainur.

I dont understand how magic in Lotr works. If Gandalf was almost a god how come he didn't buttfuck those orc armies by himself? Or maybe magic is more about influencing things and minds as opposed to lighting coming out of your staff?

Because Gandalf and his kin didn't want to be Daddy to the races of Middle Earth, they wanted them to be able to fend for themselves. An unemployed neet living in his mom's basement wouldn't understand.

The wizards were tasked by the Valar to mainly advise the people of Middle Earth against Sauron and only use magic in extreme cases.

On tabletop he's top tier, godly stats and the fastest horse riding speed.

Also it's arguable that Gandalf doesn't know his exact purpose or how powerful he is.

how powerful he's needed to be in that scene. lotr is not for power levels d&d style. also tolkien had a hard on for weak people that beat strong people with plot devices., so most of the time gandalf looks weak

He’s an ancient demigod who wears Narya, one of the three Elven rings, and wields Glamdring, the legendary sword of the king of Gondolin. The “magic” Gandalf casts is actually just him just revealing for brief moments in time his pure, angelic form. This occurs in the form of heat, beams of light, and in extreme circumstances, lightning. He’s pretty tough, and if you do manage to kill him the fucker just respawns with a power buff.

gandalf make weed lol

You can't kill him because he keeps coming back, your best bet is to "kill" him and run away. You'll have plenty of time to hide since it takes him 650 trillion elf years to come back

but what about brimblebramble, or urdlecadurdle. I think both of them were pretty strong. Maybe not as strong as Wingdalf the Buzzard from Eagletop castle. But still, I'd rank dunkledinkle the highest. But it's a close call since Ubersnatch the Unwholesome is very very powerful in the second part of Harry Potter and the secret of the drunk drivers.

he can only be killed in the avatar state

He can be killed. He was dead and then sent back by Eru because Gandalf is the ultimate gigachad and Saruman is bitch made.

why does it matter? it's not like he can use his powers freely

lord of the rings is a pretty powerful guy. He kills balorgs and doesnt afraid of anything

So all the spells he does in the movies:

>Telekinesis thing vs. Saruman (weak and not canon anyway)
>Light shield vs. Balrog
>Shine some light at the Nazguls

he seems p shit


Its funny in the behind the scenes when Ian asks Peter Jackson why he just doesnt zap away the bad guys

You can really see that he didnt enjoy that role, he just seems so bored

weaker than the witch king

Also he exorcised Saruman from Theoden, called the moth/eagles for help, made a dank smoke ship, oh and he came back from the fucking dead more powerful than before.