is she considered a good actress?
Is she considered a good actress?
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I don’t care she fuggin hawt
neither what? what the fuck are you trying to say op didn't ask an either or question moron.
at first I didn't like her, but after I saw her for the first time right now, I think she is pretty good
She was enjoyable in Doctor Who but once she tried to be more like an action star in MCU with Nebula, she was laughable. That said, she did improve noticeably. She was actually decent in Endgame.
Cute and hot. Rare for western casting nowadays.
Almost always drunk though. Typical Irish or is she Scottish?
like anyone notices with a tummy like that
My dick is entertained. What more do i want?
are you really that much of a burger you cannot tell the difference between an irish and scottish accent?
This is as hot as she will get.
i want to lick her pusy
literal hair porn
i want to kiss her tummy
Karen Gillian is hotter than any nigger in existence.
nebula is cute
kek, got me
Can you tell the difference between a Boston accent and a New Hampshire accent ?
Growing up between New Hampshire and Boston, yeah. I can. Remember in The Depahted where Marky Mark was talking to Leo about switching accents when living outside of Boston? That made sense. If you go further up to Maine it gets even different. More of a drawl. To me, people from New Hampshire sounds more normal the infamous Boston accent.
nope, and has stupid head shape, would not bang
I concur.
Maybe by my peepee
Go suck a cawk, yah retahded fahkin queeah.
a true coomer statement
Did women really go to work dressed like that in the 2010s?
Nice cosplay
lol trolled
didn't she pass out naked in a hotel hallway?
>only just recently found out she has a thick Scottish accent IRL
boosted her attractiveness exponentially
Inverness girl did weil
Good fur her
she would do well whoring herself on, maybe nude bodypainting
She is now
BASED don’t even have a clue who this chick is.
leg kino
First saw her in Dr. Who, didn't like Matt Smith at first but my teenage self could deal with a qt3.14 actress
she isn't considered good at anything
lmao based
bred for big black cock
I have it on good authority that directors and producers consider her one of the best lays in the business.
Idc but I want to smell her feet
god I wish I had a karen gillan gf
Why do jews have a problem with redheads?
Please tell me.
>british redheads
What is the point in hiring someone as charming, expressive and flirty as Karen Gillan and then getting her to play a stoic, skinhead, blue android/alien?
For me? It's Sleazy Jet.
They're the whitest of white. They have ALL of the most rare, recessive white genetics.
The two nations with the highest percentage of redheads are both in the British Isles mate.
She'd make a good Batgirl.
Do it DC.
She's stunning but always seems very vacant.