The Stolen Earth/Journey's End rewatch edition
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The Stolen Earth/Journey's End rewatch edition
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10s era actually had alot of kino looking back.
But how long... will I have to post here?
How did Ten resist backhanding Martha and Donna's mums?
Practicing improbable restraint ahead of his next meeting with River.
I don't know. I'm only repeating what I find online from people who claim to have sources or contacts inside the BBC. It could still all be a load of shit like time everybody thought John Rys Davies was going to be 9th Doctor or Kris Marshall was going to be 13th. One rumour that is most definitely shit is Marco Polo being found and about to be released online in May. We would have heard about it earlier if that was true.
someone post the puddle shanty pasta
With Martha's Mum it was because he knew that she really cared for Martha which is why she acted like she did.
But Donna's Mum? I have no idea how he resisted.
>suddenly appears out of thin air in the center of the room and quips
>everyone in the scene turns around to see her wearing an enormous smug smirk on her face
>"Hello, Sweetie™ (Copyright, All right reserved)."
>berates the Doctor for trying to do the right thing and not being a wimp
>twirls around and her attire is suddenly replaced by a slutty dress revealing too much cleavage and saggy skin
>while the Doctor is clueless, she knows everything and is superior to everyone
>stumbles and waddles around the room like an embarrassingly drunk wine aunt
>makes sure to insult and criticize the Doctor as much as possible while inserting 'sweetie' and 'my love' between every two words
>whenever the Doctor asks her how he should proceed, a smug retort of "spoilers" is thrown back followed by an attempt at flirting which embarrasses everyone present
>despite this, everyone acts like she's the most attractive and charismatic person in the universe
>when the Doctor calls her out on her bullshit, her smug smirk doesn't falter and she delivers even more previously unknown information
>suddenly and spontaneously disappears from the room, only to appear in front of the Doctor several times after to get a prolonged goodbye
>nothing personnel sweetie
My new theory is that The 14th was just larping as the Master. Don't ask me why
So what has Chibnall ripped off during his era? Even stuff that seems innocuous, til you start adding everything up and realising just how unoriginal he actually is...
Doctor presses a button in the TARDIS and it goes haywire right after regeneration.
The Doctor has a craving for food after regenerating.
In her debut episode, the Doctor faces off her villain on a rooftop.
The Doctor says a vortex manipulator is "cheap and nasty time travel." Her female regeneration is an "upgrade".
The Doctor's sonic screwdriver gets eaten.
The Dalek accesses the internet to research the planet's capabilities.
The crashing plane in Spyfall - lifted out of The Bells of Saint John.
The Master has left a hologram message for the Doctor, which plays in the TARDIS, after he's gone - lifted from Parting of the Ways.
The Doctor has a conversation with Graham through a video recording - lifted from Blink.
Companions on the run/most wanted/going into hiding - lifted from The Sound of Drums.
Gallifrey is destroyed.
SatNav tries to kill by taking over a car - lifted from The Sontaran Stratagem.
Previously unseen/unknown Doctor - lifted from The Name of the Doctor. Chameleon arch, lifted from Series 3.
"What? What? What?" - lifted from multiple RTD episodes.
The Master teams up with the Cybermen in the finale - lifted from Series 8 and Series 10.
The brief 'fight' between Jodie and Sacha in the finale - lifted from Last of the Time Lords.
Do you think River would have been better if she mostly hung around the 10th Doctor in the show instead of 11?
The Doctor returns her companions home in a TARDIS while she prepares to sacrifice herself to destroy some of her oldest enemies. Similarily, the Ninth Doctor sent Rose Tyler home in the TARDIS as he confronted the Dalek Emperor and his human-converted Daleks.
The Doctor is prepared to sacrifice herself using a weapon that cannot be remotely detonated, only for Ko Sharmus to take her place. Previously, the Ninth Doctor offered to light the match which would stop the Gelth for the sake of Gwyneth, who silently refused.
The Doctor once again steals a TARDIS in order to run away from Gallifrey.
The Cybermen again show their ability to convert the bodies of the deceased.
She would be better if her dynamic with the Doctor actually worked the way Moffat initially advertised.
In the beginning, we thought he's clueless and inexperienced while she knows everything about him, and as time slowly progresses, we should have reached a point where the opposite starts being true, where River is the one being overwhelmed by an older and more experienced Doctor. Their timelines travelling in opposite directions.
But we never actually see this. Throughout River's entire show presence, she's just a smug dominatrix that busts his balls and does nothing but deliver smug exposition and overwhelm every episode she's in by acting like an overly enthusiastic escort. The only time she was actually good was Library, and maybe Husbands but that episode is too little too late. Moffat should have just cut his losses and never let her appear again after Manhattan or Name of the Doctor.
I mostly feel bad for the actress, it's not her fault.
Nick Briggs, Nick Pegg, Barnaby Edwards (all Dalek operators)
Russell T Davies (writer, showrunner)
Graeme Harper (director)
Freema Agyeman
John Barrowman
Noel Clarke
Catherine Tate
David Tennant
...are all live-tweeting the S4 finale tonight, whew
What are the best big finish audiobooks? I've never listened to any but am currently downloading a ton off of the torrent. Wanna know what I should prioritize.
We know way too much about Moffat's fetishes at this point (see also: Irene Adler).
>Noel Clarke
/ourtindog/ is coming home!
I like blood of the Daleks. Its short, introduced a new companion and a lesser known doctor (8), all while being entirely on Spotify.
That... would almost explain the complete disconnect between Missy's rehab and how this Master behaves.
Has any character gone from semi-based to completely based so quickly? I feel like people sleep on his development.
The slayer of Cybermen (and of P.E. teachers) and conqueror of Marthas
I'm an admitted base level Who fan. I've unfortunately only ever seen nu-who. What's the deal with 8? I never see anything about him.
Mark my words, Chibnall will rip off the Rose/Ten romance when 13 is left alone with Yaz next series.
Someone needs to send him this
For me he went from annoying to based quickly. Starting from the Christmas Invasion he started to not moan as much about Rose.
His era, especially S12, does feel very "RTD-lite" so I can see it happening.
Can't wait!
What's the betting that Yaz miraculously saves an inept 13th Doctor in S13ep1
Newfag here, haven't seen season 2 for a long time, what is it exactly about 10 and Rose that ticked people off so much? I genuinely cannot remember.
It'd be a kino episode for some sort of accident to cause the current companion and the current Doctor to relive Rose.
He was in an American made for TV movie which was an attempt to reboot the franchise after it's hiatus in the eighties. He did alright in the role but the movie was shit and nothing came of it. A few years later he's in the best audio dramas and is regarded as one of the better Doctors because his stories are not limited in scope by the budget of a television. His voice is pure sex, his outfit is class, his companions are great and his regeneration scene in Night of the Doctor canonised all of his stories and gave him a nice send off.
After filming, McGann is quoting as having said "That's how you fucking do it, Tennant. None of this bitch face wishy washy pussy garbage." McGann then left to attend a beautiful immortals party.