
Boy I'm really wondering what could be the reason for turning white male Dr. Liet Kynes into a black chick. He has a good reason for that, right guys?

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What did he mean by that?

she will be the first one to die


We needed more women of color in prominent places.

She makes magical potions from her vaginal juices

>of colour

Racist detected!

Why you cant have faithful adaptation without any inserted politics?


We didn't actually think that far ahead

most likely producers pushing for more diversity. this bitch dies after 2min screen time doe

Liet his half space-Muslim in the book, not white. He's the son of the previous planetologist who went native and married a Fremen woman

Good thing there's no really important plot point behind why Paul wants to marry a woman who looks exactly like his mother. It'd be super embarrassing to miss something like that.


Jessica and Chani don't look alike at all what the fuck are you talking about


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>still watching kikewood shit

kek this
>token black character dies
bravo Villeneuve

Incels and the resident Yas Forumstards will be seething just like every time a non-white person appears on the screen. No one else will care since normies doesn't give a shit about the source material (and why should they?)

He's just doing what the producer wants. i don't think he woke he would want some random negress plays the same character played by Max Von Sydow. Only a bitter old roastie would come up with that. Look what has become of your old white patriarchal figure, it's a woman and black now.

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So they will watch our show

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Sure they don't. That's why their kids definitely don't get described as looking like their mother. Red hair genetic lines definitely aren't important in Dune. The twins should be Latinx.

I'm glad to see whites waking the fuck up

She's dabbing on Max' corpse

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>we need the German audience

Why is it that whenever an ethnic character is played by a white actor there are outraged screams of "whitewashing" but there are many examples of white/male characters being played by women/ethnics and no outrage?

I forgot he even died desu

The question you should be asking is why are jewish producers doing this.

Well a sane reason would be that minorities need to eat too, and it's harder to do that when you can't play most parts purely because you're the wrong colour. That's respectable. But then you add the idea that white people are disqualified from certain roles, quotas, special interests that don't give a flying fuck about your film so long as you're publicly kissing the ring, actors blatantly playing politics and using it like a bludgeon, just this metric fucking ton of baggage dragging what should be something reasonable

I only have to German article so I will translate the quotes back to English
>„Denis hat mir den Mangel an weiblichen Figuren mitgeteilt – und er war immer sehr feministisch, Pro-Frauen und wollte die Rolle für eine Frau schreiben“

Denis has told me about the lack of female characters - and he has always been very feminist, pro women and he wanted to write that role for a woman

>„Diesem Menschen [Liet Kynes] gelingt es, den Frieden zwischen vielen Völkern zu wahren. Frauen sind sehr gut darin, warum kann Kynes also keine Frau sein? Warumsolltesie keine Frau sein?“

This person succeeds in keeping peace among different people. Women are very good at that so why can't Kynes be a woman? Why shouldn't she be a woman?

Fucken hell this women has no shame.