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Imagine being German and growing up on a steady diet of self hatred.

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That’s every European country

To some degree sure but Germany is on another level

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Hope she gets culturally enriched down a dark alley herself some time.

>Ugly beer guzzlers with bug eyes
look pretty German to me


it won't.

They are proud of not being proud

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>desperate journeys over dozens of safe countries motivated by greed and rape.
no wonder women welcome them with open legs.

women are most attracted to whomever can do them the most harm

Not really.
In most European countries, the population strongly opppose this. Only in germany, the retards actively want open borders.

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>triggers the alt-right
>triggers the entire left
>triggers all retards with no arguments that will reply to this post just saying she is ugly
How can one leader be so based?

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What we've witnessed on this topic makes the myth of Rome's founding so utterly believable.
>The Rape of the Sabine Women
These destitute lads put on a festival ruse and stole all the young women of the neighboring towns as wives. Then the wives didn't want to be rescued by their seething brothers. I wager the women knew about it beforehand and still went.

>le edgy centrist

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>Merkel is a centrist
Are you retarded?

It really was astounding when I went backpacking through some parts of Germany last year and saw the level of refugees. They are legitimately everywhere and always look/act really fucking angry. The younger ones (under 30) all role play like they're in gangs or something, really confused me.

Like I would understand if there were a little bit let in because you want to set a good example or something, but it was a legitimate brown flood.

Merkel is a leftist globohomo cuckservative. In Germany that makes her Alt Right.

Look at history, women have always welcomed invaders. The biggest migrant supporters are all women. Here in the UK, when people were protesting the child rape scandals it was all men

What made me angry is how it spread to neighbouring countries.

Germany can never just self-harm, it always has to drag others down with them. I’m not surprised Brits chose to Brexit. The continent is a shithole.

>she isn't killing all minorities, she is a leftists cuck
The alt-right, everyone

Nobody cares about you, Poland

She invited millions of Muslims who hate Europeans into Europe. That makes her a leftist. Leftists don’t believe in culture or borders.

Is there another species on the planet that enjoys wiping itself out with such fervor? Or is it only white people?

>German engineering
Reminder not to buy a German car unless you're rich enough to afford the warranty

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actually italians feel like they're somehow the victims of fascism, like the fascists weren't italian
no italian feels guilty about deporting jews, they consider the italian soldiers who fought WW2 like victims too

She's so obviously Hitler's daughter

>mohammed most popular name for newborn in berlin

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Looks like we are getting some more Seethe-Cope core

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is it a horror movie?

I mean every fucking muslim names their son mohamed
if every italian in munich named their kids Mario I bet it'd be the most popular name in munich too

That’s from some leftwing comedians show tho. Every year he has to do some big stunt to keep relevant

she's a jew, historically the jews always opened the gates of white cities to flood them with refuse

>Target voters
How could they do something so evil?

Headline says refugees, then below that they are called migrants, lmao

yeah but where are the jokes? exactly, there are none in this skit which makes it state sponsored propaganda, simple as.

>Yeah, it's 2020, let your country be destroyed by fundamentalist, people who can't even speak the same language and mentally ill """"people"""
Also le edgy radical kid that swears showing how le epic and strong they are

nah she's altright because she hasn't rounded up all white children and sent them to the interracial breeding grounds yet

>english writing
Why are Americans trying to push their garbage identity politics on everyone? I don't get it.

thays because people will ask why the "refugees" are going on vactions in their supposed worntorn hellholes that they'll get murdered in if deported

This picture is 100% cope

Who will play Merkel?

>im just gonna use a bunch of outdated words, that'll show this simp cuck lord

Goodbye, Hans.

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Lupita N'Goyim