Cast them

Cast them.

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Trump supporters are literal subhuman trash that need to be exterminated

>tolerant left

>Trump supporters are literal subhuman trash that need to be exterminated

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>those anguished crybaby white faces

exactly what I expected them to look like

disgusting zombie brain robots inhuman creatures

Fuck off shill rat.

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creepy lookin fucks

>seething so hard you quote yourself

Chill down with antisemitism or they will defund your ass like they did with feminist and you gonna be back on chatrube doing sharpie poo poo chalanges to raise money

Supporting Trump was cool in 2016. But it's not 2016 anymore, it's 2020. Move on and just admit we were wrong. Or don't and continue to look like a complete and utter cringey embarrassment.

Vile and sickening people

bernie bros are so mad that they got fucked over again they are taking out their rage on Yas Forums

>Hating and wishing death upon people you have never met because they voted different than you.

Why are americans like this?

Imagine if they broke through

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Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

>hello fellow trump supporters I was all on board but in all seriousness we can't let him get the codes
It hasn't worked for over four years now and you think it will work this time?

I'm disgusted lads.

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Damm.... Trumpanzees = zombies..... that's deep.......

is this about 5G or corona

which trumptard conspiracy

>seething so hard you quote yourself

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>trump and his supporters are looking to win again in the next election we've tried lying, calling them racist, sexist, xenophobic, stupid, evil, nazis, etc etc but this time we'll call them ugly surely this will be what turns them over to my side
It's like these people are incapable of real thought.

Kinos for this feel?

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This except for everyone north of the Rio Grande

quick rundown?

quick rundown?

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The prospect of Trump becoming president of the US was hilarious but I didn't expect a cult of personality arising. The tweets are still funny tho.

you saying theyre not ugly

>>seething so hard you quote yourself

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do americans really?

reddit hates trump

They want the lock down to be lift, but there already outside. Is it because they can't go to McDonald's or something?

LET ME IN this already open Baskin Robins


...this milkshake i already have in my hand


...for everything to be convenient and to be served and to buy cheap department store goods. which i am able to still do. just not when i want.

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Reddit is what got trump elected dipshit.

They can't go to their jobs and earn money to support their families. They're pissed they're being put on government supplied money because they aren't college kids or niggers.

>Reddit is what got trump elected dipshit.

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Ah the random lies argument, always a fun one. Let's see uh, steak is up black is west and bernie won the primaries.

>>Reddit is what got trump elected dipshit.

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>>>Reddit is what got trump elected dipshit.

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walmart workers

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>Reddit is what got trump elected dipshit.

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>tolerant left
I don't understand this meme. It's so divorced from reality.
Why would left wing ideologues tolerate right wing positions?

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where are these faggot boomers when some white guy gets 20 years in prison for defending himself from an antifa attack?

>>>>Reddit is what got trump elected dipshit.

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getting a shake at baskin robbins

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