After 1 year, how do you remember the final season of game of thrones?

After 1 year, how do you remember the final season of game of thrones?

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Based Limster

>how do you remember the final season of game of thrones?
Good memes.

shit, but so were the previous 3 seasons, THERE MAKES NO SENSE TO HATE SEASON 8 SO MUCH AND TO BE OK WITH SEASONS 5-7

It ended the only way it could logically have ended, and it pissed off Kelly C fans but it all made sense. The producers fucked up by cutting the last two seasons down and ruining all the character development and dialogue that was a hallmark of the previous seasons, and forcing warp speed movements of the characters all around Westeros in seemingly minutes.

aye, ya'rite?

I had a conversation with an old buddy of mine, he's a big fan of GoT and asoiaf and we started talking about the ending of the show. Man, he was UPSET, he told me there was some people that actually got psichologically distraught by it and were trying super hard to erase it from memory but he was really, really upset, specially about Dany's fate.

This. Season 8 was on par with this previous seasons.

>show where you favorite character gets fucked over and killed for seasons
>people mad because danny died

Stannis Chads where THE FUCK you at ? Report in.

It’s amazing you can dismantle a pop culture titan in one fell swoop. Even though it was shit and had a crap ending people still defend Lost. There is a fanbase. After the last GoT season it’s like the oxygen just went out.


I was ascended by season 6

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This. The show had been dogshit since season 5. Even season 4 was a huge drop in quality. 8 did the first mildly interesting thin the show had done in years by revealing Dany as the villian, even if the buildup to it was terrible.

>ywn be in offseason threads around season 2-4 again

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I was told by everyone and their grandmother for close to a decade to watch this show. And then I got to see their disappointment when it ended. The feeling of not having wasted my time on this shit is glorious.

I guess it was just that fleeting hope that they might "fix" everything with the finale. What a fool I was.

Reminder that D&D reputation got so bad their Star Wars project got canceled right after GoT

I tried rewatching recently but latter seasons make so much retroactively shit. All those mysteries and promising plot points bros, why did they do this

Fuck I'm glad i don't get emotionally invested in tv shows

Fuck :(

I never watched the show and am glad it ended because I hated to see multiple threads about it
Also, can someone tl;dr why fans are upset about the ending?

atleast s8 had all the butthurt normalfags. s5-7 was equally bad but instead you had to listen to the whole world praise it as some fucking masterclass in television. im just glad the whole experiense is over and now i can go on with my life and never get emotionally involved with another show or person ever again

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To make nerds seethe, obviously. They started with Star Trek and have been systematically ruining everything that was formerly enjoyable.

Game of thrones? Never watched it. Have literally no idea what it's about. Breaking Bad is my favorite TV show

Atleast people did call out shit like the Dorne story line and were making fun of teleporting Littlefinger and hyperspeed Ravens.

Egg... I dreamed I was old

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The real crime of the show was that it killed any discussion and theorycrafting about the books. We know Aegon won't be relevant. We know Stannis won't win. We know Quentyn won't return, that Euron isn't Daario, Varys isn't a merman and that Rickon and Dickon won't be the gay emperors of Essos. We can argue about the details but the big picture is largely set.

I think it's hilarious how it's SO BAD that not even contrarians on Yas Forums try to pretend it's kino

>that Rickon and Dickon won't be the gay emperors of Essos
you take that back

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100% this. Apart from a few good action scenes, seasons 5-7 were absolute fucking garbage.

to be fair, disney scrapped a lot of stuff in a panic mode after Last Jedi
mandalorian was supposed to be a film
obi wan movie all but had a release date and now crickets
at one point there were whispers of JJ's own trilogy, Rian's own trilogy, and DnD getting a trilogy. Now you can say that's just internet heresay but you and I both know they float ideas online and see if they bite with the public.

D&D also had that TV show Confederate on the works and that was canned as well

>A grand palace as Horn Hill, the seat of House Tarly, traditionally a very militaristic house
>A grim looking fort as Highgarden, the fancy french flowery house
What the fuck were they thinking?

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>Roose isn't immortal vampire that possesses his descendants
>Stanis isn't Davos' Nissa Nissa
>fat cat in first book Arya chases isn't skinchanged princess Rhaenys
it was fun while it lasted bros...

I dropped this garbage show back in 2013. I actually got banned on Yas Forums for (((trolling))) because I dared to say how shit it was.