
>"user, let's skip today's Metaphysics lecture and spend the day in earnest conversation at the local hipster cafe with our large boisterous friend group, spend the afternoon perusing the city's museums and parks, catch that film at the indie cinema, spend a few hours writing the essays for our enjoyable college majors, and spend the night passionately fucking."

Why isn't or wasn't this your life? It's easily within reach.

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Other urls found in this thread:


you had me until "large friend group"
That shit is perpetual HIV

>user why are you looking at me like that? Just come next to me i dont bite, atleast not that hard.

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>Metaphysics lecture

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>skip today's metaphysics lecture
No. *breaks off all contact with her forever*

I do all of this except spending the night passionately fucking because all my female friends are just friends

Girls who belong to "large boisterous friend groups" are always getting passed around within that group.

They introduce you to their "circle," well guess what, about 1/3rd of the dudes have already fucked her, and the other 2/3rds are going to at some point.

that was actually never in the cards for me user


uh sorry I only do real physics about reality
have you heard about our lord and savior Lord Newton?

You are their friend, but they are not yours.

If push ever comes to shove, you'll learn the difference the hard way.

Never mind the girl, just having a metaphysics lecture to attend would be a massive improvement on my life. I'm 25, live with my parents, and do nothing.

I got a headache

That doesn't make sense are you sure you didn't mean it the other way around user

thats a tranny

O, Пeтepбypг.

sorry I got to go back to Burger King, my shift is starting

>skip metaphysics
I would turn 360 degrees and walk away as if it was categorically imperative that I do so

My life isn't some gay quirky indie flick for women

But the NEET poster says that's the best way to live in his daily threads.

help me I'm so lonely and horny

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>large boisterous friend group
Large friend groups are usually shit. Boisterous ones are just socially embarrassing.

Nah, just a slav

>No I'm scared

Is fucking girls easy in normal college? I went full stem and had like two female classmates between all my classes. I never came close to fucking anyone

Too busy doing the dead dude dance!


When do we get into our power armor and fulfill mankind's manifest destiny of the galaxy, committing unspeakable levels of ultraviolence to all who oppose us?

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That all sounds amazing but I'd rather do that stuff with a cute twink

This user understands that metaphysical understanding comes from the personal experience of exploring one's inner dimensions through practices such as yoga, and can't be conveyed through words as any intellectual understanding is merely conceptual (as opposed to experiential reality.)

attractive women don't have hobbies or interests outside of netflix, shoppping and gossiping

Large friend groups are cancer

You're a tranny.

i wanna see her poop

I'm guilty of posting such things because it's funny, but my existence is honestly pathetic.

That life doesn't just fall into your hands but is the product of having upper middle class parents and growing up in a upper middle class neighborhood. I could never get a job with whatever meme-degree that post is referring too, because I do not have the right contacts, and I do not have the proverbial silver spoon to pay for any debt I will incur while studying.

Nah, just gonna grind out another level in poe.

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Nah, thanks. I'm good.

I'd rather not. Go on, flock to Chad or Jamal. I'm going to watch El Guason (2019) and listen to some John Coltrane.

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This unironically, I tried being a normie but I fucking despise the constant drama and pettiness involved in having a large friend group, I don't know how people live like that holy fuck and don't tell me you just need the right group of friends, the only friends groups like that are with nerd guys and hanging around with them = zero actual social life and potential women

>Is fucking girls easy in normal college?
Depends. I'm first year history and most of the girls in my seminars are unattractive in one way or another. I've gone on a few dates but haven't made love to anyone yet.

Stupid bitch needs to fix her usage. That’s not what perusing means.

What is your point, exactly? Are you angry that your parents are cockblocking you from art hoes?

I know that pathetic existence feel.

No thanks. I think I'm going to go home and scroll through Yas Forums until 4 AM so that I'm late for tomorrow's lecture

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No, I'm just pointing out why this life isn't easily in reach for most people.

Pretend the drama is a threatre play youre watching, from the perspective of a side character

>made love
You sound sweet

>thats a tranny
>yoor a tranny

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you can't live that life without feigning emotional weaknesses that slowly grow into real ones. The best you can do is fuck her well enough that she gets all that fake toxic conversation from someone else and only sex from you.

Sounds great darling, let me just finish reading this history book

you're a pretentious little bitch
*slaps her*
get on your fucking knees and don't talk

Any bitch with precious friends needs to be avoided like wu flu. She'll always be reporting back to them and will have zero agency. If you manage a date and anything is her choice you'll be experiencing her friends choices vicariously through her.
That being said I had metaphysics with a cute Syrian chick who was doing uni younger than everyone else because of war and homeschooling. Completely based to go out with her but I didn't. Insane regret but took the yellow pill


>the only friends groups like that are with nerd guys and hanging around with them
This. The only group I've ever enjoyed hanging out with have all been nerdy guys

Good pussy has always been hard to get. That's part of what makes it good. Are you just now coming to understand this?

Every time I see this picture I think it's young Viggo Mortensen

Never skip Metaphysics day you rotten whore

Hillybilly mutts go back to your “blacked” porn

Impllying a modern college metaphysics class would teach that

>you can't live that life without feigning emotional weaknesses that slowly grow into real ones.
What does OP's post have to do with "feigning emotional weakness"? Do you mean faking interests you don't have?

Oнa выглядит тaк бyдтo тpaхaeтcя c чepными.

>made love

you will be a virgin forever

Any girl that’s attractive has many friends and acquaintaces

Because that girl ghosted me and I only got a very small glimpse of that life



Friend groups are only functional when there are no women in them, aka me and the boys etc

Honestly? Nobody really likes being friends with women, not even women themselves. Men only pretend to be 'friends' with them on the off chance that they can fuck them, and women only 'befriend' each other to boost their own social standings (notice how your average girl is always trying to be in good graces/befriend with the beautiful/popular stacies back in high school? You'll also never see a hot chick willingly hang out with some other girl not equally hot as her.)

>you will be a virgin forever
Thank God.

>It's easily within reach.

yeah if you were born in to the upper middle class and have mommy daddy money to rent an apartment in the fancy part of town and splash while not having a 9-5 job

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i noticed my wife changes 'girlfriends'/'BFFs' almost every other month, meanwhile i'm still very close with my homies from high school 8 years ago

So thats the part of the text that stuck with you, huh?

Have sex.

True but is she a follower or and leader? That's the point user. You don't want to be with a follower with a large friend group or "family" unless you want to deal with them

idk why but it reminds me of him

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Lost me at going to a cafe. Hate bars too.

That is a healthy attitude to have , pussy honestly isn't even worth it most of the time.

oh also if you're good looking of course

>Men only pretend to be 'friends' with them on the off chance that they can fuck them
I love when women pretend to not know this is the case.

Meh friends are overrated. Conversations are dull and if I'm not trying to fuk I just don't see the point.

I went to art school. I lost my virginity, made some good friends, but was still way too neurotic, autistic and immature to get a gf and have a normal life. And being from a junkie underclass family made it hard to relate to middle-class people. When I dropped out I went straight back to being a loner until the next phase of my life where the same thing happened. Lots of good friends and have a lot of funny life stories but still very distant from normal people and life.

You're right, I misread the post


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>kewl jesta

Because "large boisterous friend group" is more repulsive to my introverted nature than fucking a dead pig.

Sounds like you are doing just fine, my man.

>Why isn't or wasn't this your life?
I don't study liberal arts

The larger a group of people, the more it resembles an ape pack that it actually is.

I'm saying he regards them far more than they regard him. They are high priorities to him, he is not a high priority to them.

The very first time they have to treat you like you don't matter in order to make the guy they're fucking happy, that's exactly what they'll do.

They are your friends as long as it doesn't cost them anything. They like to hang out with you and have fun with you, but sooner or later they'll just crumple you up and throw you away and then ask you to forgive them afterwards.

You matter to them less than their pet dogs. If they have to choose between keeping a promise to you and keeping a promise to their dogs, you're on your own.

not true about the guys desu
if there is too much testosterone and ego and not enough mutual respect in an all guys crew, there's bound to be fights too, whenever someone decides he wants to move up the pecking order
my high school football team stayed kinda close ever since we graduated, but there was always a fight here and there whenever someone thinks he is now more dominant or he has more say than the other