What are some chaotic evil villains?

What are some chaotic evil villains?

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what kind of person is this? what sort their daily life look like? i cant picture any sort of real humanity in them. is it mental illness? or were they always like that? how did they make it so far?

An asian

it's 2020 culture. Everyone's at fault but me. that's why you get terrorists acts, incels shooting up schools, lazy/fat people blaming society for either making them that way and also not accepting them as they are. If that woman is sick and has problems because of it, then everyone should pay

thoroughbred chink


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not even once.

A Communist Chinaman (woman) doing her duty to the CCP

i ask that question everyday when i see people supporting trump.

Cut the cringy boomer shit

I blame her parents for raising a shithead

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? she is a chink in enemy territory, the only ones to blame are us for thinking the whole world is going kumbayah
neck that bitch

she probably has some insane victim complex from being chinese and so wants to "get back" at australians or some shit

Holy shit chinks are subhuman. They make us look like super human

t. Pinoy monkey

Immigrants usually have massive inferiority complexes to the point where they are barely functional mentally.

Yea I'm thinking they're based
Destroy the anglos

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that demonic smile. holy shit

I admire people who wants to decrease the population, the numbers living on earth right now are too high, we need to lower them somehow.

kill yourself creep


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i try to reduce buying chinese made products to an absolute minimum, none at all if possible. I want them to fail.

He's right though

It's an infected agent China sent to the west to spread the virus. Many such cases.

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I wonder if this ironic "based" posting could have some actual effect on more impressionable anons to the point they could think doing this absolute madmen tier stuff is actually cool to do lol

>we need to lower them somehow
There are a lot better ways to reduce the global population than to coof in a 1st world grocery store.
If you're that dedicated, head to africa with a gun and shoot the first 10 young women you see. You'll have prevented 50-80 lives from draining resources.

This user gets it.

this is 100% true of first generation, maybe second. They have this bizarre complex where they want to be loyal to their brainwashing homeland but they also cant cope with the fact their country and by extension their people, are fucking retarded which is the reason they felt a need to leave in the first place, so they are left with this dissonance where they leech of this new place while having disdain for it. And the worst part is many act as if they could be here or there and it wouldnt make a difference.

lol yeah sure you'd willingly go back to being eaten by escalators and having spontaneous explosions kill you, as if spending years of your finances and time to escape wasnt already proof enough you had to leave your hell hole.

No, because you have to be 18 years old or older to use Yas Forums.

To be fair if i was tested positive i would do the same. I hate people and the chance to taking a boomer down is just too good to pass up

bet youre still waiting for the joker shooting too

The numbers are too high but we need to import more people?

there is zero emphasis on admitting people into the country who genuinely have a respect and admiration for the place they intend on inhabiting. Many immigrants these days have an open disdain for their western host countries. Seriously the average german immigrant will talk shit about germany, the average mexican in america will talk about how we're all dumb gringos and viva mexico. Its fucking retarded.

We need to decrease people like you

I doubt underages care about that rule and I also doubt many 20+ year olds here aren't actually 10 years old mentally

Nice try CCP