Actually good chick flicks?

Lost in Translation aside.

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open bobs

why does she always have that "im having a stroke" expression?

you could have posted literally any other pic you fucking simp

Too much blush, fake tits, annoying personality.

Attached: Smoke Break.png (6768x7132, 3.52M)

Because she was made by Dreamworks.

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Show me your vegana

im so frustrated

i can't stop my cum to that tik tok with this zoomer and bbc fuck this board and website for making me like this

Chicks who know they're attractive but not quite drop dead gorgeous will always have a go-to pose to accentuate their looks

you're a huge nigga if you think those are fake

Mean Girls
>power gap
Ghost World

Those are the only ones I can think of right now

lost in translation fucking sucks

Attached: Bt7vOGg.png (1077x1099, 891.89K)

>nipples the size of a fist

I’ve been cooming to incest porn games the past few days, it’s been pretty great

I Spit On Your Grave

She literally said herself that they're fake.

Before Sunrise
Before Sunset
Before Midnight

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what the fuck


>implying her jew boyfriend doesn't have bulls lined up for her



Do americans really?

Damn, now Ive lost all interest. Gonna delete all the pics of her.

wasnt ok boomer a modification of some retarded meme buzzword that was being used here

Yeah it's a female, and I never called her white, she's Mexican or Spanish.
Shut the fuck up

Pretty woman
My best friend wedding
13 going on 30
Mean girls

No one said she's white Yas Forumstard. A beautiful woman's a beautiful woman. Ethnicity matters not to my dick.

Hot chick

hiding her footface

God imagine how fucking easymode it is to be born with a pair of tits in this era.
All the rights and privileges of a property owning white man and then some.
You can literally spend several minutes a day taking pictures of yourself to upload to a website and incels and loser from around the globe will wire you more money than a tech worker with a 6 year masters in computer programing.
You can fuck around all you want with virtually no responsiblity or consequence thanks in part to modern medicine and birth control.
And when the fun's all said and done and your pretty face starts to wear out you can still find some loaded loser to take care of you for years to come while you continue to cuck him for any light-skinned dude over 6'.
And if that poor pathetic faggot taking care of you and paying your bills ever grows a spine and tries to do something about it you can take him to court for half of all he owns, his son, and a stipen of his future earnings for up to 18 years.
Fuck you katie.

>Joy Luck Club
>bring copy over to girls house
lost my virginity that night after screening Asian Kino.
>9/10 experience

the fuck is wrong with zoomers

I usually have a stroke when I watch her videos.

why does she wear the mask

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Fake tits having spic.