What are the best Universal Monsters films to watch this Easter Yas Forums?

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Watch Castlevania

>Watch Castlevania

Attached: mfw netflix.jpg (666x666, 58.87K)

What's wrong? I watched the first 4 episodes and it's fucking kino.

Season 1 is okish, season 2 is fucking trash save for the ending. Season 3 felt like a complete waste of time and I dropped it 2 or 3 episodes in.
But already from SE1 the writing is awful.

No, it's good. What makes you hate it?

The characters talking like shit, the toilet humor. Se1 gets a pass for being short and a set-up for the characters. Se2 is when the balls drop hard.

The dialogue was performed by Oblivion NPCs and written by someone who only knew about Castlevania from what he read on wikipedia, and filled in the blanks with suggestions from reddit. Tries too hard to be Game of Thrones.

Then explain the good reviews

>good reviews mean it's good
That's pretty funny. You had me going for a minute.

I loved it, does Vlad Dracula Țepeș win? As a romanian I think it depicted ancient România very well.

a literal bot

Nope, kys faggot
Sugi pula

Not my fault you write with the personality of a bot, gheorghe.

But those are my feelings, Adrian.

OP here. Is the netflix Dracula show worth watching or pozzed?

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It's Netflix. That's all you need to know.

Oh, you are right. DROPPED

It's great, I feel like they really did the Dracula mythos right. On par with Castlevania. Both are great and worth watching.

It's shit

Don't listen to shills, even people I know have shit taste found it terrible.

No, it's great.

>top tier
Creature from the Black Lagoon
>good tier
Bride of Frankenstein
The mummy
Wolf man
>men tier
Invisible man
Phantom of the opera

Monster Bash. It's a pinball machine that answers the question: what if the Universal Monsters started a rock and roll band? Considered to be one of the five best pinball machines of all time.

Attached: Monster Bash pinball flyer back.jpg (608x792, 222.9K)


Keep watching, you'll see how it devolves from decent to shit

No... It can't be...



If you at least like the characters I'd give the second season a try, just know that it's pacing can be pretty damn bad.

They were cinematic trailblazers for sure, but is there any appeal to watching them now?

This, are they even decent for modern standards? Won't I get bored by watching them?

This was actually a fascinating look into the past. You can still understand most of the jokes, but it's clearly from a different era.

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