It's okay to eat insects, whales or horses, but it's not okay to eat dogs or bats

>it's okay to eat insects, whales or horses, but it's not okay to eat dogs or bats

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*Some* insects, whales, and horses are safe and ethical to eat. Some are wrong to eat. Bats can transfer disease. Dogs are widely accepted as domesitcated animals and decently inteligent.

Can't flim flam the ZimZam.


This, it's pretty easy to draw a line when your talking about different species

>dogs are more intelligent than whales
lama fucking ao

go right ahead user I'll watch

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It's amazing how many diseases bats are a vector for. If only we didn't need them to eat all the mosquitoes, or else we could just kill them

Who the fuck says its ok to eat whales and horses?


What's with the Chinese shills?

chinese have invested a lot in propoganda

Horse sausage is fine user.


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>it's okay to eat cooked insects, whales or horses, but it's not okay to eat dogs or bats alive


FPBP. Friendly reminder this thread is always spammed by chinks and is propaganda.

Based. Tens of millions of chinks have died from the coronavirus and they just keep lying and covering it up.


Only bats transmit diseases because they live in fuckhuge communitties which makes a heavy breeding ground for shit like COVID-19.


I like when he eats the maggot cheese

Horses are fine, what are you talking about? They're delicious

It's ok to eat bats. Hell in the west we eat fucking frog legs and nobody cares
The only "issue" with eating dogs is that they are our most domesticated animals, nicknamed "man's best friend"

Breeding dogs for purposes of food should be legalized. There's no reason not to. Muh best friend isn't a reason, because no one is eating your pet. Muh intelligent animal is wrong, because pigs are of higher intelligence than dogs. There's no valid argument.

this, also engineer human breeding camps for human consumption, after all they are not eating your family or friends so no problem

I know it must hurt to hear that dogs are more intelligent than your mother, but it's true.

>chink can’t read
He wasn’t saying a dog is smarter than a whale, just that it’s smart in of itself as a species

Humans are sentient, and the most intelligent creatures on earth. There are already hundreds of laws across the planet, guaranteeing their protection.
Dogs are less intelligent than pigs.

breeding humans for consumption is pointless because you have to feed them to grow and you could just feed normal humans with it. the point of animal breeding is that they can eat grass or other stuff we cant and turn it into meat

>it's OK to eat most things as long as you prepare them in a safe and sanitary manner

Is it fair to say that there should be an ethical & relatively “clean” way of providing slaughter then? Eat whatever the fuck you want but there’s no need for it to suffer which is the most sensible general consensus about the stigma

>reading comprehension

There's absolutely nothing wrong with eating whales and horses. If intelligence is the metric to go by, we shouldn't be eating pigs either.
Studies have shown that pigs are even more intelligent than dogs, and they're generally considered to be the 5th most intelligent animal in the world.

People pretend that the debate is about intelligence, while in reality people who complain about the consumption of whales, horses, dogs or cats are merely using a metric of "oh, this one particular animal is too cute to eat". Saying it's about intelligence is dishonest, unless you're a full on militant vegan faggot.

>If intelligence is the metric to go by, we shouldn't be eating pigs either.
NPC almost got self aware here but didn't quite reach

You’re not wrong about the intelligence part but it’s not about cuteness either, it’s simply that the canine & humans have evolved hand in hand for the better part of human history, it’s a betrayal of trust turn around & eat them, especially when certain breeds can nab even better food

I can assure you that all meat you buy from the supermarket has suffered profoundly

If we can breed them for food, we can breed them for sexual service, right?
If it’s okay to kill them then surely it’s okay to fuck them a little first?

Humane slaughter act is a thing so no, you might have an argument if you were talking about chickens or fish, that is legitimately disgusting condition for an animal

Not eating dogs I can understand, since it has become instinct at this point. But what about whales? What fucking idiot tribe were riding and domesticating whales, for the whale to be considered off limits in terms of eating?

Inb4 some sub-65 IQ faggot brings up intelligence. I revert back to the pig argument.