LMAO fucking stupid ape!

LMAO fucking stupid ape!

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Kek that scan of the area is so ape like and yet so noticable in African criminals. Suggest watching Louis Theroux Law and Disorder in Johannesburg

>Fast food and grocery stores spend years adopting touchscreen menus to ease the ordering process
>now because of coronavirus a wagie has to stand there wiping it down after each use

It's like the start of 2001: A Space Odyssey

Or they can just wash their hands after touching it.

if you're opening a restaurant in the hood, you gotta design accordingly

Attached: hood burger king.jpg (2203x2937, 507.26K)


I take it you haven't gone grocery shopping recently? It's nearing this

Poor American living in a not-so-great city here, I can confirm that as soon as a black does one of those 'scans' in a store it is blatantly obvious and everyone gets ready for some shit to go down

I rly hope this is a joke..

Attached: hood kfc.jpg (1024x768, 187.45K)

All fucking NIggers must fucking hang

funny enough places like this still get robbed

Fascinating creatures


I'd like to remind people this shit is literally only in America
Where guns are more valuable than human life
And laws and institution to prevent the upward mobility of blacks with trigger happy police to enforce them is the zeitgeist

LMAO fucking stupid birds

Attached: how chicken nuggets are made.jpg (602x339, 30.92K)

lol that guy rules. black people will always be cooler than white people

No niggers are like this everywhere. But in america at least we have a constitutional right to defend ourselves from them instead of going to jail for hurting their so called feelings

>minor inconvenience
>resort to violence

>minor inconvenience
Fuck you mean?

we got a live britstain resident here boys

I figured the wrong selection appeared for the young man

Why ? Why would you do this ?

Here in Europe low IQ refugees are more value than white Europeans and that's a good progressive thing

You don't know shit apart from Yas Forums webms you basement dwelling incel

Anyone can play the blame game

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I think he broke the machine because he's a dumbfuck. As most black men are.

I'm half black/white and I've noticed that it's mostly normie fags that can't understand these touchscreens not only blacks.

I went to the cinema and they had a touchscreen to get tickets and all the normies were yelling and screaming about how it didn't work. I walked up and got 3 tickets in under 5 seconds and they said I must've hacked it.

In Netherlands blacks are cool. I even live in a black area and feel totally safe walking at night.
Our nogs are Moroccans, although it's not nearly as bad as in other countries.

>apart from Yas Forums webms
And FBI statistics

Awww that makes me sad......... And hungry for chicken nuggets

Shit like that is always annoying WAAAAAAT U KNOW THING? IMPOSSIBLE

look at how bad those welds are

Yeah because the feds have always been so friendly with Blacks amirite?

Why ? Why would you do this ?

white "people" are disgusting animals.

Most niggers have no place in Western countries, there are some good ones but you know. Not worth letting in the hordes. When a black man comes to America or Europe it takes Africa with him.


gingers aren't human

Niggers were a mistake. We should've killed them all when we had the chance

I once got a job installing those things because of that
Literally the interview process was
>you know how to work that shit?
>yeah, who doesn't
>alright how many hours a week can you work?
Also we made an INSANE profit off of selling new units to places who had customers (black) destroy the screen and needed a new one.

Let face it whiteboi your race are dying and that a good thing

Hello actual retard.

>lmao fucking stupid ape
very brave op, i hope you don't get banned for racism

Well, he is referencing statistics during our first African American president. I would imagine his FBI would be fair towards them?

>No niggers are like this everywhere
Can confirm. They're the same here in Europe

If you're British, German, or Canadian you have no right

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>*gets domed in the head by a nigger having a bad day*

you are black

>I'm half black/white
There's no such thing as ''half white''. You're a nigger.

yeah that doesn't happen pal, niggers can't shoot for shit

Either personal argument with his grandma or he was fucking pissed at that broad for being up in his shit.
Either way, based cashier with the change handoff.

Spent Trump's stimulus check on a .30-06. Seethe

Attached: IMG_20200404_213021_01.jpg (465x674, 77.57K)

that nigger is an ape

Attached: ape.jpg (664x205, 34.18K)

Never seen anything this bad in any area of europe, no matter which ghetto it is


utterly based.
quite possibly the most based and redpilled post on Yas Forums at the moment.

You jive ass turkey.

yeah no shit niggers aren't human, i'm just saying that i hope op doesn't get banned for racism because i said the same shit about the coon in the star wars movie and got banned for racism lol

Most people think I'm Arab. Including Blacks.

God forbid niggers destroy precious insured white peoples property

Better make life harder for them to prove a point

Attached: incel walk to work.webm (640x360, 2.58M)

arabs look nothing like blacks.