Shows nobody but zoomers like

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you start OP

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any show with this aesthetic

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I find myself annoyed by many people’s voices for many different reasons.

I can’t stand hers because it’s perpetually hoarse, the kind that seems to come from screaming constantly.

i dunno why but i keep thinking she sounds like Miley Cyrus or some other similar white trash woman. odd voice for an asian honestly

I was forced to watch this by friends and expected it to be full on modern-SNL-tier normalfag humor but it's actually pretty funny.

You mean the "poor woman with a thousand gay friends living in New York/LA" aesthetic?

This show is great you turd.

I'm a millennial and I like this show

fuck off the show is good

>the bones are their money
>bones are their dollars
>theyll pull your hair up, not out
>that was the night that the skeltons came to life

The most kino sketch in a decade

I agree. She has a similar quality to her voice.

The garfield sketch was great

This show is pretty funny but more importantly it led me to discover Detroiters which made me laugh more than any other show I've seen in years

this is bait
Im really someone said this, not enough people know about Detroiters

This. Detroiters is still an undiscovered gem. Wish they would bring it back.

that guys overly jewish face annoys the shit out of me

zoomer humor: the show

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Comfy kino but gets old a little fast

i remember purposely not watching it cuz this fag was in it. one of those guys who gets tons of work suddenly in every comedy and i cant explain why because hes not funny at all. (((something gotta be behind this obvious push hes getting in the industry.. i just cant figure it out)))

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he’s funny tho

target audience either zoomers or literal faggots

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i liked that time him and conan stuck it to drumpf for calling guano a shithole and taping a travel show there

i hate black guys who act and talk white. in my day we had a word for them

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Not gonna lie, I actually want to eat some of the burgers he makes. Baby you can Chive my Car Burger actually sounds good.

murder-suicide, facebook live that shit

Same. He looks like a WW2 Nazi caricature of a Jew.

Why's the dumb slut keep her dumb shoes on? Boring...

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hes appears to have the butthole eyes condition as pete davidson. goddamn, what an ugly fuck

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