>Strong character
>Can't use his powers
Why didn't Gandalf destroy the ring?
Strong character
Other urls found in this thread:
the ring was stronger
Because then we wouldn't have a movie? Think before you post next time, please.
idk, why haven't you gotten another palantir power? you have the points
fuck man
>playing bfme 1 good campaign
>level up charachters and troops throughout campaign
>take every territory before marching on black gate.
>level 10 tower guards and rohirrim with forged blades and heavy armour
> send level 10 gandalf on shadowfax into the hordes of orcs coming out the black gate
>word of power
Why does Gandalf never use his magic in combat?
each wave can be dealt with with super powers
wave one: aragorns army of the dead
wave two: WORD OF POWER
wave three: rohirrim showup use theodens golden charge
final wave: real Army of the dead
WORD OF POWER has recharged by now and can be used for any stragglers
There is limited information about how transgender, nonbinary, and other gender diverse (trans) people have been studied and represented by researchers. The objectives of this study were to: (1) increase access to trans research; (2) map and describe trans research across subject fields; and (3) identify evidence gaps and opportunities for more responsible research. Eligibility criteria were established to include empirical research of any design, which included trans participants or their personal information and that was published in English in peer-reviewed journals. A search of 15 academic databases resulted in 25,230 references; data presented include 690 trans-focused articles that met the screening criteria and were published between 2010 and 2014. The 10 topics studied most frequently were: (1) therapeutics and surgeries; (2) gender identity and expression; (3) mental health; (4) biology and physiology; (5) discrimination and marginalization; (6) physical health; (7) sexual health, HIV, and sexually transmitted infections; (8) health and mental health services; (9) social support, relationships, and families; and (10) resilience, well-being, and quality of life. This map also highlights the relatively minor attention that has been paid to a number of study topics, including ethnicity, culture, race, and racialization; housing; income; employment; and space and place. Results of this review have the potential to increase awareness of existing trans research, to characterize evidence gaps, and to inform strategic research prioritization. With this information, it is more likely that trans communities and allies will be in a position to benefit from existing research and to hold researchers accountable.
Keywords: evidence map, gender diverse, knowledge synthesis, research ethics, social determinants of health, transgender
he does, you see flashes of light every time he wacks some orc with his staff
I’m actually a BFME1 pro, we still play online on GameRanger. We have 500$ tournaments every winter.
that's class. im a fan of rts but not very good. i recently found a dl for bfme 1 after not having played for over a decade at least and its a great feeling
how the fuck does that work? the games fun but its broken
It’s pretty balanced in 1v1/2v2 but we usually do best of 3 and best of 5s. The most broken part of the game is the host advantage, where whoever is hosting the game has 0 delays and the off host players are at an extreme disadvantage so you have to trade hosts every game to make it fair. So much that onhost rohan>isen but onhost isen>rohan etc
what about the free orcs mordor gets? any online play ppl would think its hilarious I chose Mordor, until they were getting swamped by a never ending stream of orcs less then 5min into the game
For some reason I never played these LOTR games back in the day, I feel like I've missed out on a lot. What are the essential ones, Yas Forums?
because he would've turned out like Sauron
dumbfuck, learn2lore
Mordor is only strong in the big maps but on the small map (fords of isen) where tourneys are played the orcs are contained easily by calvary.
God send the seven "wizards" to Earth to try and guide the world. But not through force. They were not allowed to use direct action to do anything. They were to dance and sing and make fireworks and make children smile for thousands of years, to try and guide the world away from evil. Did you notice how, when Gandalf was well and truly out of sight of everyone else, falling into the foundation of the world, that he then went one-on-one with a Balrog, fighting it for weeks? Nobody could see his true power because God specifically said "don't do that."
Saruman did something through direct action and he was a bad fella.
Also, yeah, the Ring was stronger.
the movie tie in games, Two Towers and Return of the King are really good and the battle for middle earth series are amazing especially considering they have no business being as good as they are. conquest was meh, literally star wars battlefront (the originals) but with lotr. cant speak for anything after that or the online game
good point, interesting, might look into it, for the host problem, couldn't you make a 3 person game and then the 3rd guy hosts but does nothing so its really 1v1 but no-ones the host?
Yeah we neutral host for 3rd or 5th game but alternate host for the first few because it’s really nice getting to play on your host and people prefer to play off host if it means you get to play onhost the next game.
ok see you next winter I guess
LOTRO is a lot of fun if you enjoy the world and lore of Tolkien. Other than that it's just a standard hotkey combat MMO.
Return of the king for PS2
What game is this?
war in the north was excellent
id actually forgotten about that. i remember enjoying it. third age was alright too but im not really into turn based
is it on steam or origin?
so good but that is covered by the 'BFME series' that user mentioned