Rumor has it that it might be a modern retelling of "The Phantom of the Opera".
Rumor has it that it might be a modern retelling of "The Phantom of the Opera".
Why did people start treating Jordan Peele like some serious profound intellectual after he did one successful film? He's gotten carte blanche to do whatever he wants from Hollywood even though Us was mediocre and The Twilight Zone was fucking DOA.
Kinda stupid choice but glad to see that they did not drop A-listers so we may still see Johnny Depp or the rest from the original Dark Universe cast.
((Why indeed?))
Won't watch.
>we may still see Johnny Depp or the rest from the original Dark Universe cast.
You won't.
Jordan Peel, Monster Movie, and Will Smith? 3 nope you're out.
Smith doesn't play villains, I doubt it's this.
Unless they go for the Batman-esque Phantom from back when Dark Universe was still in play.
>the phantom isn't disfigured, he just hides the fact he's black because opera is whitey world
>Will Smith
why does he keep getting roles? is he secretly jewish or part of scientology
So this is gonna be about evil white people too?
Because every movie he does is blacked kino and white liberals can't get enough of it
>part of scientology
bingo! makes sense when you notice that there were scientologists in previous monster movies
>mummy tom cruise
>invisble man elisebeth moss
I dislike this niggers movies
Why won't corona do it's job and take him out?!
The original cast still has option to come back and they said that while new movies will be mostly standalone, crossovers are not ruled out.
Why do they keep hiring this hack?
Universal has moved on. You should too.
Why does Will Smith keep getting roles like he's cool anymore?
jordan peele is a hack. just look at op’s pic of him.
This. They gave The Invisible Man to Blumhouse and allowed him to do whatever he wanted with it
It didnt even start with the "Dark Universe" Universal logo. Its dead.
This is directly from Universal announcment.
>standalone films with less focus on shared universe but crossovers may still happen
>no limits on rating and budget or tone
>each movie using own formula
>talent previously attached to the project has option to come back
Dr Nig and Mr Nog?
Race baiting movies in the current climate are insanely popular.
>It didnt even start with the "Dark Universe" Universal logo
There was Universal logo and Blumhouse/Goalpost productions logo. Why would they put Dark Universe logo if that studio didn't make it? The Mummy was made by Dark Universe and Perfect World Pictures so you see these logos.
Next movie, Frankenstein, will have Universal and Atomic Monster logos because this studio is making it.
Every other move will use own logo too.
I can't wait for his biopic;
>born to white mother and black father
>black father is abusive, leaves and doesn't come back
>white mother single-handedly raises her son taking on several jobs all at once
>grow up and make white people evil movies
Dubs and its Wolfman
Guaranteed flop
Yeah Jordan Peele and Smith are a big no no. Will is a fucking has been and was never good outside comedy. All his films have flopped in the past decade, still gettig roles cuz he's a nigger scientologist, I bet Peele is one too
Will the girl still reject him or become a queen of spade? I bet she will side with him and help take revenge n the white aristocrats.