Can we all agree that only manchildren watch anime...

Can we all agree that only manchildren watch anime? Literally all of anime is SHIT compared to well written western television/film (which is not common, I will concede)

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why did you make this thread? i'm not even trying to discredit you for your opinion, this is just a weirdly specific thing for you to decide it's worth the time to log into 4channel and make a thread about

I only watch moe anime for a moe person such as myself

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because I'm cross-faded and bored as fuck, fuck you

At the end of the day, the only thing that's well written in this world is a good book - everything else is a derivative of literature and only degenerate from there on.

You sound like a loser
You should cut back on your internet access

*blocks your path*

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nigger are you a bot, or do you not realize we are quarantining right now. Dumbass

Imagine being this much of a newfag

All of anime is sh-

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why don't you watch a movie?

>stuck inside all day
>literally the only think you can think of doing is spending time online
are you a bot?
or just brain dead?

brainlet opinion

Hunter is shounen shit for manchildren

Feel like shitposting instead, it's a free country fuck you

Tried watching this but I stopped at the Greed Island arc, does it get better after that? Also nice trips.

says the person doing the same exact thing

I already did schoolwork and guitar practice earlier so fuck off m8

>bro pulp penny stories are totally better than those "degenerate" mediums like plays or film

just go back to playing minor pentatonic scales

There are just as many shitty worthless movies as there are anime shows. And while some films achieve more than any anime ever has, I doubt most people on Yas Forums watch them. Great anime exists and is worth watching. The best films may be better than any anime but the best anime is better than most films. Television is shit and even worse than most anime with only a few exceptions.

about to graduate college you low iq goblin, I think you're the real underage here

>as many shitty worthless movies as there are anime shows

maybe but show me anime that even comes close to top tier movies, I'll wait

> Great anime exists and is worth watching

Yeah, if you're underage and enjoy poorly written drivel, sure buddy. I'll buy you tickets to the next Marvel movie too


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Reply to the person you're quoting you underage zoomer
I'm starting to think pentatonic scales are to advanced for your pea sized brain
I think you should stick to power chords only

Cope more faggot, enjoy another (you) you pathetic wastrel mongrel mutt

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>the absolute state of this user's quoting

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I'll admit you got me there you cocksucker
>dude I'm a fucking idiot who can't even format a shitpost properly
>better respond with "cope" lol
It's clear to me now that even power chords are too advanced for you.
Do you even know how to tune a guitar?
Please just put your dad's guitar down.


>deleted his post out of embarrassment
stop I can only KEK so hard m8

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I deleted it to give the same response to you you fucking moron

>he's still replying

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>he's still replying

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>>he's still replying

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Why do Redditors hate anime so much? (You)'re really in no position to call anyone else a manchild

>>he's still replying

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t. Nigger

Sure they do, and there's nothing wrong with that.