Resistance is futile edition
/trek/ - Star Trek General
Based dumb janitors deleting both threads.
Why are deleting /trek/ threads? I just want to Barclay-posting while im watching for the first time TNG
The Dubsminion has endured for 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after the jannies leave us be.
Based Dubsminion Poster
Only the thread with dubsminion must be the one and only real /trek/ thread.
Cringe Dubsminion poster with no dubs.
can you all stfu what happened to the old thread I wanted to have a discussion about the ultimate retardation of STVII.
Just watched it for the first time. Honestly, good episode. Sad ending.
MOBerators are destroying the uniqueness of this general.
Hate Hate Hate
Im watching "Lessons" episode,
>Why are we still here, just to suffer?
Wrong, this is another faggot VF thread, even though the last four or five got deleted.
>Wrong, this is another faggot VF thread
Nice try, VF. Delete your shit thread.
I dont know anymore, this is just some Tal Shiar mind game
404 in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
>vf makes another late thread and tries to bury the original one
Where's Valley Forge?
Would you let the Enterprise D senior officers gangbang you /trek/?
What would BashirFaggot do?
Im going to make a /orville/ thread until this /trek/ thread war ends
have you even caught your mom doing "that"
I liked the brunette when she was on Knight Rider
Will they ever?
Was she the Car?
oh good catch, I member
I think she was like the secretary or car mechanic or whatever
>crying over credits
more like secretary, she was like batman's oracle
>secretary or car mechanic
That time i drove into company reception and asked Zoe to take a look at my engine gaskets
No, KARR (Knight Automated Roving Robot) was evil KITT and voiced by Peter Cullen. This woman was KITT's mechanic on the truck.
Bless you, my child