
Thread for the intellectual discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

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For me, it's Gallo.

thoughts on L'Ascension du Chevalier Noir?

>suddenly these films are all bad because the same company licensed home video rights in the United States for them and produced blurays for sale

whoever's in charge of art directing criterion's packaging should be shot

yeah, most of their art blows. the rep in that regard is high because they were the only boutique label around in America in the early years of dvd doing custom cover art for releases. Arrow has a much better hit rate.

Isn’t arrow only region 2 tho? Those don’t work in America

Arrow has been making Region A releases for a few years now

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These are the two films

This is my favorite movie of all time and I think it's incredibly underrated. People just know it as "that cute old Christmas movie" when instead it's pure depression and optimism kino.

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>Paranoid Park
it sure was alarming seeing that dude cut in half

Even more alarming seeing the only Blu-ray is in a cropped aspect ratio

It's the 24th highest rated film on IMDB

Anyone got into Indian films? Heard this guy's pretty good.

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By underrated I mean that it's underrated by people who like more obscure films. Fucking Forrest Gump is loved on IMDB but that movie is shit, and many of the top IMDB movies are there specifically because they appeal to middle to lowbrow tastes. IaWL on the other hand is a genuinely fantastic film but I never hear discussion of it or of Capra on here, instead people discuss Tarkovski, Fellini, Bresson, etc. Seems to me that Capra is an extremely sophisticated director who is viewed by normies as a meme.

It's emotionally purifying and gives off a sort of geniune warmth and hopefulness that not many films do. I totally respect you having that as a favourite, I should rewatch it. It's not as well known in my country but I can imagine how the perception of it is a bit weird in the US.

He’s literally the only one worth mentioning but he’s ok, pretty much a third world kurosawa.

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literally the only Indian director people know, but yes, his films are kino

Ray is nothing like Kurosawa, you fucking pleb brainlet shithead. get a clue.

Guess again, retard.


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Do Americans really do this?

>arthouse film
>Bach starts playing



WTF do you mean by that?

>Normies know about them through the Criterion collection and now I can't like them anymore.
Seckret club elitism basically. I'm pretty sure that user was being sarcastic though.

Are there any subs for this yet?

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as always

If you have watched through most of Hitchcock's greatest films and think you have seen everything "worth watching", give Frenzy a chance. It ended up being one of my favourites after Rear Window, Vertigo and North by Northwest.

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