Was this an accurate portrayal of an Egyptian woman?

Was this an accurate portrayal of an Egyptian woman?

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was an accurate portrayal of what makes my dick hard lol


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Lol no, very whitewashed, like most historical movies. Egyptians were pretty much black. Learn some history my dude.

Unironically yes. Ancient Egyptians had more in common with Europeans than Arabs or subsaharans. Also a lot of the pharoes and upperclass had some Greek ancestry.

They had red hair lol, far from black


t. Demetrius

Attached: The.Mummy.3.webm (1280x544, 2.28M)

>Also a lot of the pharoes and upperclass had some Greek ancestry
>Ancient Egyptians had more in common with Europeans than Arabs


Egyptian women were so hot that if one of them died, they'd have to keep her body until it started rotting so that mortitioners didn't fuck their corpses

>Guaranteed replies
This kind of trolling is like fishing with dynamite. It might be fun the first few times, but you quickly come to realize you've sucked all the sport out of it.

>blacks accomplished absolutely nothing, didn't even invent the wheel
>encounter the magic soil of Egypt
>all of the sudden they're an advanced civilization building architectural wonders

Is this supposed to be Cleopatra? I'm pretty sure she was Macedonian Greek or some shit. Like most places, the elites in Egypt for the most part (and all the good times) were white.

Only the kings
The prasent small pee pee slaves were wh*te

An upper class Ptolemaic-period woman would if anything have an even fairer phenotype

no because of bodypaint and the fct that she is south american
high-class women wore thin tunica in bright colors, white, light blue and so on
clothes were a symbol of status, poor people, servants and slaves were almost naked with loin cloths at best, wealthy ones wore clothes of the finest materials

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>Is this supposed to be Cleopatra?

K. Thank you.

is this an accurate portrayal of a persian admiral?

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No. This one is the most accurate Hollywood got so far, regardless of the movie.

Painted nails - high class women did this.
Blue color - symbol of the Nile and the sky. Egyptians loved blue figures and art.
Dress made of high quality materials - it's called kalasiris, one piece tied in the middle.
Colorful jewels and gold - Egyptians loved colorful things - clothes, decorations, tombs and temples were colorful too. Blue, red, yellow.

One Polish movie from 1960s also got this somehow right.

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I agree user

Who cares. She was hot as fuck and rises my scorpion king.

She got me so hard as a little kid


My dick says yes.

>Blue color - symbol of the Nile and the sky. Egyptians loved blue figures and art.
this is cool because egyptians invented blue pigment. this was the 1st non-natural paint color ever. blue rarely appears in nature so it was desired even more than gold

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With the way it is now, there is almost no way to tell if this is trolling or not

>ocean is blue
>ice is blue
>sky is blue
>rare in nature

in a desert maybe

they had no idea about ice and while ocean or rivers and sky was blue, everything else is rare. name 10 blue animals or plants

>blue rarely appears in nature

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Hottest sex scene in any movie ever

9 to go

friggin blueberry

Can you make jewelry out of the sky or the ocean you fucking retard?

Why didn't she just say "I have an itch"?


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When you take water from the ocean is it blue?

>user clearly talking about pigment
>durr the ocean is blue
Paint with some seawater and let me know how well that goes, retard.

no but I can make it out of blueshells dumbfuck

Unironically yes, very accurate. The production actually did their research and pretty much all the details are fairly accurate, from the hieroglyphs to Anaksunamun's iconic net dress.


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most ridiculous you mean, that music killed me

blueberry, blue beetle, blue whale, blue bottle jellyfish, many more cases!

How about 11?

purple is the rarest pigment learn to not be an idiot

oh shit, gay blue frogs

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No stop stealing oure history you dirty black baboon nigger we wuz kangz need shit is a shitty meme

>in a desert maybe
yes, you fucking retard.


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