Sorry I didn't get to all the questions in the other thread but I wanted to answer them here.
How should I know?

That's great. I really don't mind about the pirating. What am I a fucking Jew?
I'd like to work with Joan Rivers but of course she is gone. What is waifu?

Haha what is that? Are you making fun of a handicapped person?

I doubt it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

how big is robs cock

ol anvil head looking ass

You guys ask a lot of questions like this

How many films have you approximately seen in your lifetime?

Prob bait thread but; since you’re doing the Tarantula and Coen Bros thing of rescuing obscure or washed up actors - any thoughts on future actors you wanna work with? Nick Cage maybe? Washed up and insane but great in the right role.

Does Hollywood do viral marketing on Yas Forums?
Will you and your bro make something that isn't a drama?

is it true that you were menaced by kevin garnett on the set of uncut gems? because that's what I heard.

Attached: file footage.jpg (526x396, 34.29K)

who the fuck are you

What are some secrets about Hollywood? Are there really secret sex parties, pedophilia and pther weird shit like that?

Opinions on The Matrix films?

post timestamp

prob fake but i'll ask anyway, because i wondered this after uncut gems

uncut gems and good time are basically panic attacks induced by good cinema, i loved them, but will your future films rely on engaging the audiences to feel other emotions?

Who are you?


this is a fake and gay LARP until timestamp

Top ten books?

Attached: Kate-Beckinsale-the-last-days-of-disco.png (318x298, 101.17K)

What was the name of HP Lovecraft's cat?

No idea but probably in the low thousands

Nick Cage is not washed up. I'd like to work with Nicholar Brendan, the guy who played Xander on Buffy the vampire slayer. I understand he has an identical twin which could be useful.

I highly doubt it. And we are working on a comedy/drama thing ("dark comedy") but probably not straight comedy.

No. How would he "menace" me when I'm the one in charge

Josh Safdie

I've been to parties where sex occurred but I'm sure this happens outside hollywood too. I have not been aware of any pedophilia other than what's in the news.

1 was good but overrated. 2 and 3 were not good.

I would not describe them as panic attacks. I try to convey a wide range of emotions in my films.

Josh Safdie

I don't read.

He didn't actually have a cat. Common misconception.

post timestamp or just fug off

What is your favorite Zack Snyder film?

I heard KG picked you up "like a coffee cup" and tossed you into a concrete wall when you tried to order him around.

Attached: truth.jpg (524x309, 44.36K)

definitely larp

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is your brother really retarded

What does timestamp mean?

I'm not aware of his films.

Wow. No that didn't happen

>What does timestamp mean?
post a picture of your face with today's date and time written on a piece of paper

He has issues but we don't refer to him that way

it means a picture with the date and time (like on a piece of paper) and your face or something proving your identity as Josh Safdie

Where did you get the idea for your moview, especially Good Times amd Uncut Gems?

start with some proof retard

Can you give us a quick rundown on what exactly happened with Robert Pattison jerking off thar dog in Good Time? Why wasn't the scene used in the movie, were you just trolling him?

>literal who jew
Fuck off

I'm not sure how that would prove anything especially since photoshop exists. I suppose I could do a video since that's harder to take but it might also be nice to have some plausible deniability of being here given the reputation of this place.

Fever dreams combined with just sitting there and thinking about ideas.

That was actually his idea. I typically wont put extra scenes in that weren't in the script but I'm fine with trying things out since you can just cut it later.

based on these answers, fake. you didn't do your homework.

Clearly fake. Weak

Bill would you work with this hack?

Do you feel in charge?


I love u

>oh i couldn't do a timestamp as that could be not me
>a video wouldn't work because i wouldn't want concrete proof that this is me
fuck you nigger

Ok this isn't a "timestamp" but should be proof enough

I found uncut gems particularity anti-christian was this a conscious decision?

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How in the hell do you know Necro? I laughed my ass off when I saw him in Good Time. Great rapper but cringeworthy on social media.

When is your next film out?

Could you score Gosling for a role?

Attached: gos.jpg (450x300, 12.67K)

>when I'm the one in charge
obvious larp detected


He auditioned like anyone else

1-2 years

I don't know it would depend on many factors. I don't think of it as "scoring" someone

based yet cringe

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Making the goy whore wear a crucifix wasnt a conscious decision?! Also i watched man escaped on the criterion collection vid you did, was a good film

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Don't ask too many questions about that

who... who made this?

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this is fake. The Safdies know what waifus are.