Generations Edition
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Oh no you don't you lil fag
Where is M'ress?
>creep Barclay shows up, Troy covers her tits
Classic Reg
Nice thread dubs, this thread is already blessed.
Jannies will fucking PAY for this
Where's Valley Forge?
I like the bisexual lighting of this thread
lmao cry more lil furfag bitch
You're fucking dead, asshole!
What is your darkest Star Trek Secret, /trek/?
Did Troy get a boob job there?
Does that actress still have a grudge against Michel Winner over that scene from Death Wish?
Yes, she got big fake tits after Berman threatened to replace her with 7 of 9 in Nemesis.
At least we got to see Marina nude, that's the important thing.
Where's BashirFaggot !!cUABfN5xFSR?
This movie was complete shit. I genuinely couldn't really tell you what happened in this movie, it was so boring I couldn't even pay attention to it.
For me, it's this thread and Irish Romulan Cougar Elf Detective
which was the species of dinosaur that evolved and evacuated earth to colonize another planet. i forget
If only you knew what I know about the secrets of /trek/...
Dead from coronavirus hopefully
Getting raped by a pack of Klingons
God I remember being SO HYPE for this film at the time.
Then it hit and it didn't live up to my build up to it, but I wouldn't admit to myself until years later, now I can't even watch it.
Fuck off, VF
I love it, but I have bad taste.
the vodwar
Great poster, great cinematography. All wasted on a shit movie.
Why is Star Trek Generations such a shitty movie when the TNG finale was a great end? I mean Generations is really bad even by TV show standards. If Star Trek Generations was a 2 part TV TNG episode, it would be one of the worst in the in series. Best of Both Worlds beats it by a long shot.
I'm super "late" in getting into Trek so I just watched it for the first time not too long ago. I can't imagine the disappointment Trekfags felt after seeing that shit. Christ.
I always liked that tagline
>get hot tinder date
>Going well
>she finds out I have a gun
>30 minutes later we are role playing I have my gun to hear head calling her a dirty nigger even though shes white while she sucks my dick
>she laughs hehe
>i press the gun hard into her head, one hand palming her skullet the other on thd gun
>she laughs, "user daddy whats the hole"
>she didnt eat my asshole, so I took the hole
>skip forwards its all a blur of shit, spit, piss, juice, hair, asshole
>its time to turn things up a notch
>I hand her the 11 inch pickle pegster. Its her turn to be the BOSS
>shes crying of course but submits
>i start sucking her dick deep throating it and fuck it
>two days later she says i am weird
What gives?
>Why is Star Trek Generations such a shitty movie when the TNG finale was a great end?
Because the greedy fucks at Paramount said "gee, if we have Kirk and Picard we can get both TOS and TNG fans and double our grosses!"
The TNG movies had soo much potential and we didn't even get a good one and, NO, First Contact is trash. The problem is that rather than making them ensemble films they focused on Picard and Data each time.
>Why is Star Trek Generations such a shitty movie when the TNG finale was a great end?
Their excuse was that they were under massive budget and time pressures as well as being pulled in multiple directions with TNG ending, DS9 in production and VOY in pre-production at the same time while making Generations. Contrary to what so many faggots want to believe, Star Trek doesn't lend itself well to being a "cinematic universe".
The reason was that they were just creatively out of gas and were making decisions based on what they thought they should do rather than what the natural direction would be and where you're gut would take you. Things like killing off Kirk the way they did and destroying the Enterprise-D. Those are all "groupthink" decisions that any one person would probably stop themselves and say "is this really a good idea?" or "would i want to see this if i were a fan?" but instead these faggots all get in a room and the groupthink takes hold and they all "agree" that it "needs to happen" for the franchise to "move forward" or some such bullshit.
You know what, that is one of the most disappointing things about the TNG movies.
They had set up a Q story line so well.
They had the ongoing Dominion War.
Or even the aftermath of the Dominion War.
They even fucked the Borg by introducing The Queen in First Contact
>all because they didn't want it to be a space zombie film in space
Of fuck it was awful.
THE two Starfleet Captains. Both at their best...
>Kirk was coming from ST:VI and it was one of, if not, the Best Original movie.
>Picard was coming from All Good Things - brilliant End of Season
>dis going to be gud
Found a channel recently that shows a giant block of Trek at night. Shit's comfy even if to this day I can't enjoy Enterprise.