Who cares?
he's mad online.
die roach
What is it with wh*toids and ironic humor
I fucking hate this jew rat
no one cares ethan, you are irrelevant, this won't save your irrelevancy
>this guy is just 3 years older than me but he looks like shit with grey hair
Hah. Suck it kike
literally fucking middle age housewife tier discussion, OP. fuck off
isnt his podcast just slightly less popular than joe rogan?
his reputation has already tanked, why does he think this video will help?
should just relax and enjoy his money
fuck i hate this retard and his ilk
How old is he?
Born 1985 so Ethan is 34.
Why is his retarded wife in every video
She's literally useless
His shitty podcasts made him an egotistical faggot. A shame, he used to be pretty good.
Hes 34 not 26, bro.
>image very related
this guy has always been an unfunny faggot
i genuinely dont understand how he became so popular
That's the joke? Pretty sure only sounds retarded because of her thick accent.
Ethan is cringe, but that pajeet is even more cringe for sucking Jeff Bezos's ass
he better not be shitting on my boy mutahar that guy is pure. i used to watch h3 but srsly fuck this guy
as much as i hate smarmy fat jews i cant side with a pajeet
found the peabrained nigger who thinks slapstick humor and dancing are funny
Disgusting kike
>34 and already greying
Shit luck. My dad had naturally jet black during the entirety of his 30s. But at least he doesn't look like to be balding anytime soon.
what is it with nigg*rs and being in a constant state of cope
>he better not be shitting on my boy mutahar
He is. It's the Israelis VS the Arabs all over again, but with a modern twist.Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme.
oof what is this whiteoid rage! calm down!
Mutahar isn't an arab though