When did people get so soft?

When did people get so soft?

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Anne Frank wasn't real though.

>inb4 a bunch of lefty plebbit twinks simultaneously demand communism while calling people that want to work "bootlickers," while praising celebrities and worshiping the police enforcing stay at home

tends to happen after a handful of painkillers

Ball point pen

To be fair Anne Frank was a child, they adapt quickly, and she was under the threat of death (or enslavement)

Tell that to Jeff Mangum.

>When did people get so soft?
thats not a person, user that's patton oswald, a fat disgusting worthless drugged out faggot

Patton forgets that plenty of other Jews indeed left their house and died just as assuredly as the wife he killed.

Why are you guys supporting the federal government telling states what to do all of a sudden? What happened to state's rights? Why are you call others boot lickers when you're defending federal overreach?

Now delete Twitter and watch fags like him squirm.

unfunny tubby piece of shit doesn't understand that people have jobs

>ctrl+f 'wife'
>only 1

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Agree. Why don't we all hide until we get put in camps

>Thinks there is that big of difference between the fed or the state sending the police in to tell people to stay inside
>ignores Dr. Fauci nigger being the main catalyst behind this bullshit in the first place

Just admit it, you're a fucking pussy and you unironically want the state to save you from a fucking gay little virus

More people will die when the supply chain dies.
People that don't understand opportunity cost should watch Saving Private Ryan.

> the right of the people peaceably to assemble

This man is the kind of person who needs to be pulverised.

>Trump: open your businesses back up.
>Governors: no.
Wow much federal overreach, many tyrannies.

>spent 2 years in an attic only to die at the end anyways

ftfy. i wanna go to the gym

Yea and Anne Frank was a rodent Jew. I"m not

Why? Because they speak a truth you don't like?

That's because the alternative for the Franks was being murdered, like Patton's wife was murdered.

Gyms are a waste of money. Work out at home.

He's right. Trump supporters are putting their full ignorance on display right now. They'll follow him off the edge of a cliff. They don't believe in science or reason, just petty partisan talking points and Jebus. Extremely dangerous and ignorant people.

Hes right

Why'd you cut off the likes?

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who the fuck is anne frank???

The overwhelming majority of people aren't going crazy and doing risky things. What "truth" do you think he's speaking?

None. He's a faggot and so are you.

i dont have the space
i use the gym in my condo which they've shut down

based class conscious Kate

Based Republican poster.

Hes talking about the retard trump supporters protesting in front of state capitols

>risk viral death
My god. Just shit the fuck up with thai shit you stupid retard. You risk so much by being outside almost every day. Death is inevitable. Living in fear is stupid. Stop being so fucking stupid.

Aren't dems the ones getting mad because the only people dying are niggers?

November 4th, 2008

kys you weak commie faggots

You got 9/11 brain. "if we change our lives, the turrorists will win!" The virus wont' respect your resolve and American spirit you idiot.

Which one are you?

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You fucking faggots never learn, lol. You call small business owners and people that don't want to live like welfare queens "Trump supporters" then wonder why you lose every working class swing state. Go dye your hair, pussy.

Can you speak in anything other than preprogrammed buzzwords? Grow a brain

Let's run through a list of all of the dumbshit arguments right-wingers have brought up about this pandemic:
>it's a hoax
>it's a Democrat hoax
>it's a Chinese hoax
>it's real and being used by the Chinese to deprive Americans of freedom so they can implement communism
>it's real and the Democrats are using it to implement socialism
>it's real and it's being used by the Democrats to destroy Trump and the economy in time for the 2020 election
>it's not that big of a deal
>it's just a flu
>the Democrats are blowing it out of proportion
>my right to go to church is more important than the health of the public
>the economy is more important than the health of the public
>just give people masks and practice social distancing while opening everything back up
>this virus is being blown out of proportion by the Fake News
>holy shit let's rally and protest our leaders who are trying to keep the public safe
>this is America fuck what the rest of the world is doing we have a constitution

Need I go on? These stupid fuckers have been anti-science, anti-intellectual assholes this whole time. These people are dangerous. America has a problem with stupidity and it's on full display now.

It also won't kill you. It's a fucking hoax.

They've stopped reporting the normal flu deaths and they're attributing it all to covid.

You're being lied to you fucking retard and you're too dumb to even realize it.

Trumptards are seething because school janitor isnt an essential worker and theyre out of work

>commie and faggot are buzzwords

Looks like someone got called a faggot a whole lot growing up

So he wants people to hide at home the way Anne Frank did? Is he unironically supporting the Nazis policies here?

>that's right goyim dont notice the immense wealth disparity and willingness of politicians to kill you over the stock market just cash your 1200 dollar check and praise drumpf

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Can't wait for the seethe once Biden wins in November. It will be glorious.


>nobody anyone knows is actually sick


it could easily kill you at any age. There have been triatheletes that have died from this. without pre-existing conditions. even if you don't die you could be in the hospital for weeks. it could also kill others around you.

if you're comfortable being a dumb nigger who doesn't value life, good on you. stay in your basement though.

Not that I'm defending these faggots who are losing their mind over being stuck at home for few weeks, but these types of arguments are fucking shit, you can't complain because someone has it worse than you, what kind of fucking reasoning is that

.003% or so if people have even gotten sick. Far less of them have died.

Meanwhile tens of millions are without jobs as we lean into the second great depression. Because of a meme virus.

Fuck off.

>They've stopped reporting the normal flu deaths and they're attributing it all to covid.
People are dying from the normal flu, because COVID has overrun hospitals you fucking low iq nigger

It really dumb. I'mean a little bored but mostly because I can't watch my kino with so many people at home

In WA they were crying on the news because hispanics make up 13% percent of the population and 24% of the cases. The guy then proceeded to list off stereotypes about them.

You're not fooling anyone you little status coward, only the weakest pieces of shit want to live on the government's dime like a pathetic welfare queen. KYS

Imagine being such a weak little faggot that you get killed by something microscopic.

>Just be rich like me lol

No, because he murdered his wife.

Go die or sit home waiting for the government check, your choice tranny

If only he had waited a few years he could have pretended his wife died from Corona-chan.

i just want to walk through around some trees and feel the sun

>kill you
The death rate for people my age who don't have underlying health conditions is about 0.01%.

>Meanwhile tens of millions are without jobs as we lean into the second great depression. Because of a meme virus.
No because our government has spent the last 40 years pushing austerity to the point there's no social safety net and runaway speculation coupled with deregulation have turned our economy into a fragile house of cards based on bubbles. And now that it's collapsing your dumb ass is mad because you aren't being allowed to walk into a wood chipper so you can buy lawn fertilizer and eat inside applebee's.

>numbers next to an online handle matter
want to know how i know you’re a femoid who bases their responses on social standing? the truth is anti-democratic. shove your opinion back into your gross cunt

Lets list off the Dems response
>The virus isn't a big deal
>Making a big deal about the virus is racist
>Closing the border is racist
>LOL nvm this is Trump's fault for not responding in time
>Trust everything the WHO says on face value
>Stay inside and don't talk to anyone or its against the law
>Dont worry about your income or business, we will just send you a check in the mail when we feel like it

All lefties are frail little pussies who of course would be scared of dying from a virus because they are so weak

Half of her diary was written in a type of pen that wasn't around at the time

The vast vast majority of people die to clogged arteries or cancer you stupid nigger

You do the whole le epic Yas Forums troll thing all you want. But the real world is actually real. You can escape reality but you can't escape the consequences of escaping reality. This shit was cute in 2020 when it was just a meme war and owning the libs. Now your mommy and daddy have a good chance of dying.

The economic consequences of this quarantine will take a far greater toll in human lives than the virus ever would have at even the most dire projections.

You are all fucking retards.

Literally no economy can survive a fucking shut down for months on end you fucking gay little child. Kill yourself

If Anne Frank were hiding in my attic I'd turn her into the SS ( after blackmailing her into sex of course.) She's a fictional character though.

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>go die
Nah. I work one of these "essential" jobs, haven't gotten sick, likely never will.

Eat a dick.

The Rules:

1. Basically, you can't leave the house for any reason, but if you have to, then you can.

2. Masks are useless, but maybe you have to wear one, it can save you, it is useless, but maybe it is mandatory as well. Most masks will do nothing to protect you anyways. It is now mandatory to wear a mask. A T-shirt on your face is fine.

3. Stores are closed, except those that are open.

4. You should not go to hospitals unless you have to go there. Same applies to doctors, you should only go there in case of emergency, provided you are not too sick.

5. This virus is deadly but still not too scary, except that sometimes it actually leads to a global disaster.

6. Gloves won't help, but they can still help.

7. Everyone needs to stay HOME, but it's important to GO OUT.

8. There is no shortage of groceries in the supermarket, but there are many things missing when you go there in the evening, but not in the morning. Sometimes. A food shortage may be coming. Farmers though should not dump extra food intended for closed restaurants that is now extra...unless they need to dump it.

9. The virus has no effect on children except those it affects. It does kill children sometimes.

10. Animals are not affected, but there is still a cat that tested positive in Belgium in February when no one had been tested, plus a few tigers here and there. We refer to those as outliers and will not test further since they are outliers.

11. You will have many symptoms when you are sick, but you can also get sick without symptoms, have symptoms without being sick, or be contagious without having symptoms. We will not be testing you either way.

liberalism is a mental disorder, they think starving people on the streets is better bc they're simply still alive.

Most of these people are just 19 year old plebbitors who takes everything they read on that shitty website on face value, while getting an allowance from mom and dad. This is why they are so butthurt over their failures and capitalism

>its the Dems fault Trump didnt do anything even though he really wanted to I promise
Tranny mentality

>Patton (((Oswalt)))

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12. In order not to get sick, you have to eat well and exercise, but eat whatever you have on hand and it's better not to go out, well, unless you need something essential. As long as it is not supplies to grow food or toilet paper or to repair infrastructure damage.

13. It's better to get some fresh air, but you get looked at very wrong when you get some fresh air, and most importantly, you don't go to parks or walk. But don’t sit down, except that you can do that now if you are old, but not for too long or if you are pregnant (but not too old).

14. You can't go to retirement homes, but you have to take care of the elderly and bring food and medication.

15. If you are sick, you can't go out, but you can go to the pharmacy.

16. You can get restaurant food delivered to the house, which may have been prepared by people who didn't wear masks or gloves. But you have to have your groceries decontaminated outside for 3 hours. Don’t mind the cardboard box the pizza or Amazon products come in.

17. Every disturbing article or disturbing interview must start with " I don't want to trigger panic, but…"

18. You can't see your older mother or grandmother, but you can take a taxi and meet an older taxi driver.

19. You can walk around with a friend but not with your family if they don't live under the same roof.

20. You are safe if you maintain the appropriate social distance, but you can’t go out with friends or strangers at the safe social distance.

21. The virus remains active on different surfaces for two hours, no, four, no, six, no, we didn't say hours, maybe days? But it takes a damp environment. Oh no, not necessarily.

>our government
Are you British? Because here in US there's more of a "social safety net" than there was 40 years ago.
>runaway speculation coupled with deregulation have turned our economy into a fragile house of cards
If a business can't make any money for months, it can't exist as a going concern due to fixed costs. "Speculation and deregulation" have nothing to do with that.

That's exactly what I've been saying.

Shut up. Fuck off. The air outside won't kill you. Although I wish it would kill you, yourself.

I'm screencapping this to use as a future example of what a typical incel sounds like.

>min wage slave
youre already dead

22. The virus stays in the air - well no, or yes, maybe, especially in a closed room, in one hour a sick person can infect ten, so if it falls, all our children were already infected at school before it was closed. But remember, if you stay at the recommended social distance, however in certain circumstances you should maintain a greater distance, which, studies show, the virus can travel further, maybe.

23. We count the number of deaths but we don't know how many people are infected as we have only tested so far those who were "almost dead" to find out if that's what they will die of. We are also now counting deaths that we think were COViD-19 related. We have already burned the bodies.

24. We have no treatment, except that there may be one that apparently is not dangerous unless you take too much (which is the case with all medications).

25. We should stay locked up until the virus disappears, but it will only disappear if we achieve collective immunity, so when it circulates… but we must no longer be locked up for that.

26. We should stay locked up until hospitals have the resources to keep up. This will flatten the curve. If we do this, 200,000 Americans will still die. Hospitals now have the resources to keep up and we will be donating supplies to other countries. We may have to stay locked down until a vaccine is found. Did you get your $1200?

27. We have the authority to take all your rights to keep you safe, but we’re not going to enforce it. Sometimes we will jail you, though. That said, we are going to release people who are jailed to keep them safe.

28. The virus wasn’t created in a lab by the Chinese. But we are going to do some research to see if it was created in a lab by the Chinese.

>40,000 people dead in 7 weeks and that's WITH social distancing in place
>meme virus

What do you think is going to happen if we send everyone back to work before this is under control? Are you serious about committing suicide to own the libs?

It hasn't been shut down for months you moron. It was barely two weeks before the economy crashed. Even now there's tons of retail still open despite acting like you're being welded inside your parent's house.

"come to china town, were careful, safe"
-not donald trump

>22 million+ filing for unemployment
>implying everyone plays vidya
>l-lol they jus wan fuckrudders
These snobs living off royalties (probably some from Netflix) piss me off. Thankfully I’m a student, but this has so disrupted livelihoods and the virus hasn’t reached the projected spread (with the isolation considered), so it’s understandable why people are pissed and just want to go back to how they were operating

Lefty faggots are so fucking gullible with this shit, lmao. Spot on user.


You're a fucking pussy who is scared of a virus. Don't try and play

>something isnt black or white
>this hurts the Trumptard brain
Great post

>Are you British? Because here in US there's more of a "social safety net" than there was 40 years ago.
ahahahhhhahahahahhaha. please get your history from somewhere else than Yas Forums.

29. Even still, don’t call it the Chinese Flu because it’s racist. Not the Coronavirus itself. Viruses can’t be racist. But the term. Actually, the Coronavirus is racist and killing minorities more than non minorities. Nevermind, you are a racist.

30. We only made this decision to shut down to save lives. We don’t shut down other times because those causes of death aren’t preventable. Well, other than smoking, gang violence, drinking, obesity, traffic deaths, and the like. But those are a choice and don’t kill innocent people. Except in the case of DUI...or second hand smoke, or gang violence. We don’t want to restrict people’s lives though. Unless it saves lives. Except those lives.

31. Quarantines apply to sick people. We can quarantine anyone who is sick. And anyone who is not sick because they may be sick. We can't risk the sick getting the unsick sick or the unsick getting others unsick, sick.

32. Everyone is quarantined until we can test. Tests are 60% inaccurate. Even if we test you today and you are not sick, you may be infected immediately after the test is concluded, therefore you must stay quarantined.

33. If you are discovered to have antibodies you may be immune. Some people who have been infected, get re-infected. Immunity lasts anywhere from 0 days - 1 year. Maybe more or less depending on the person. We will not be testing you for antibodies

>watch a very mediocre war film
But that is 2 hours that I could spend doing literally anything else.

It's been over a month you stupid nigger, and other states have proposed extending this shit till June. The little amount of retail open isn't going to pay for hundreds of millions of healthy people to stay home all day. You're basically a useless piece of shit

because we're hypocrites it's an act of resistance
to not being hypocrites

>leading the world in deaths, didnt even originate with the virus
Yes yes Trump is a hero only 100k projected to die to a virus he took very serious this last week

kek look at this astroturfer

reminder that italy has 20k deaths and they couldn't cremate bodies fast enough

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>min wage slave
No. Of course you need to assume the worst because you're wrong. Even if I was a wagie, you'd always be retarded.

the "economy'" crashed weeks ago. you don't even know the timeline of the economy you're saying we have to kill people for.