Will there be any sequel to Got?

Will there be any sequel to Got?

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I wish HBO had of made that prequel series that was reportedly ‘too woke’ even for HBO.
Lolcow potential was high.

He's a hack so I don't care what he does.

Who said it was too woke? I thought they just knew that anything that wasn't absolutely amazing would just get shit on by people pissed off about the ending

He's never going to finish A Song of Ice and Fire. The man's in his 70s, is a fatass and above all a lazy person who'd rather attend conventions and write Targaryen shit

In the last chapter he wrote Varys murdered Kevan Lannister and Pycelle. Aegon is about to take Storm's End. Daenaerys is about to return to Mereen with Drogon. Jon Snow was just killed by the Nights Watch. And we get nothing, this is bullshit

He wrote himself into a corner. Can't finish the book. That's what you get when you spend 5k pages of adding new character and subplots and not closing any major ones.

i hope he just has one giant coom boom boom orgy time

Attached: a song of soap and bubbles.webm (720x404, 558.23K)

This is his process. A few more years of RC cars and bubbles and he'll be ready

>Will there be any sequel to Got?

Attached: GoT prequel Empire Of Ash.png (1456x396, 151.07K)

Lazy allegory and DRAGONS!

That's so retarded, it wasn't some overarching social and political crisis like the Western Roman Empire, they held everything together with dragons and they couldn't be threatened until their entire home peninsula fucking exploded, and we have a pretty good idea why that happened as well.

>valyria becomes a multi-cultural diverse democracy
>immediately collapses
wtf based

>Will there be any sequel to Got?

The many potential sequels and spinoffs got whittled down to 3, then cut down to 1 after one filmed and was shit, and the remaining 1 has to shoot, be incredibly not-shit, then manage to somehow make people either forget or forgive. GoT is basically dead.

>Imagine banking off your past works instead of continuing the story and dying peacefully knowing where your story was going but denying the readers closure
He seems pretty based

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I honestly don’t even care anymore. Fuck him and the series.

I almost have to respect how little of a fuck the man gives. He knows he's on the out so he just fucks around playing with bubbles and cars, and I cannot entirely blame him. Why spend your last days writing novels that fans will inevitably hate when you can fuck around, enjoy yourself, die, and have fans say "I wished he could have finished it, it would have been so much better than GoT".

He had like three or four chapters done and released online way back like six years ago. I barely remember what is going on anymore and I'm not going to re-read five books. The show has officially killed my interest in the series

>we had a good idea why that happened

>democratic state
Valyria was ruled by powerful houses who had dragons. I guess it's like how the Holy Roman Empire was democratic


>the year of our lord 2020
>TWOW still not finished
ahhaha oh wow, it's never ever coming out

Why would you even work when you have enough money to do anything you want?

A challenger approaches


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Could have been good
>Protagonists are all pro-diversity
>Main protag is a pure Valyrian (aka pale white girl)
>She is kind-hearted and vocally stands against injustice and racism
>She is betrothed to her older brother, who is a racist against immigration
>She is in love with her younger brother, who holds the same beliefs she does
>He's also gay and she is full supportive of that, but she also wants his dick
>Lots of incest sex scenes between the main protag and each of her brothers
>All the ruling houses/Valyrian who are against immigration and diversity are the antagonists
>Constant mention of a "Great Dragon" that's said to sleep under the largest of the fire mountains (volcanoes)
>Antagonists/evil racists believe that the all the immigration and diversity will anger the Great Dragon and he will have his reckoning on Valyria
>Eventually main-protag meets a dark skinned slave man
>She's instantly smitten by his exotic beauty
>Even more so when he tames a small dragon
>They fuck, because the core-sjw audience DEMAND IT!
>Before they do, he shows her his cock and she marvels at it's size, commenting that it's bigger then both of her brothers and her fathers
>Daddy incest, got to have something else for the pink haired bitches to relate to
>Also, gay little brother falls in love with black guys brother or cousin or something and there's some gay sex
>Main protag helps the black guy lead a rebellion against the ruling houses of Valyria
>During so, the black guy tames another couple of dragons, which is said to be impossible
>As the last great house falls, the largest of the fire mountains explodes and the Great Dragon appears
>The black guy flies up to it on his small dragon, confident that he can tame it as well
>The Great Dragon instead kills him and lays waste to Valyria, proving the pure Valyrians right
>SJW explode in anger

>Black guy taming dragons
Swing and miss


JFC bros, we aren't gonna make it.

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small insignificant dragons, which leads him to being arrogantly over confident in his abilities, which in turn leads to his death.

It'd be better if they were wyverns and he was a larper

Who actually cares anymore?