Why do you care about the race of characters from a book you've never read

Why do you care about the race of characters from a book you've never read

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>I can't read therefore nobody can

Whats DUNC?

i dont care about characters, i just dont want niggers in it solely from visual point of view and nothing else

At least you're honest

what about the garbage costume design?

>I must not consoom.
>consumerism is the mind-killer. Consuming is the little-death that brings total mediocrity.
>I will face my shills. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past i will turn the inner eye to see its boxoffice.
>When the consumer has COOFED there will be nothing. Only i will remain

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posting quotes does not prove you have read the book

Paul is an allegory for Alexander the great. There proof only someone who read dune will pick up on this.

Attached: paul atreides.png (1886x944, 735.91K)

I want a gom jabbar in my dick desu

I have read all the novels you stupid cunt.

because outrage addicts need their next dopamine hit from getting mad about stupid shit

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no you haven't

This is actually Dune, but told from Duncan Idaho's perspective, hence DUNC

Dune is a book written by a white man about white people and is therefor part of white culture.

Protect white culture for your white children in the white future.

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I have mate. Please get back into the bin, along with your non argument.

hahaha This would be based. I wish i was such a chad so i could seduce Alia. Fuck that chapter got me hard bros.

kys, delusional mutt

Timothée Chalamet is relentlessly ____________

That's not what an allegory means my mans


Dune is the redditors bible

noun: allegory; plural noun: allegories

a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.

alien looking

Why do minorities care about being 'represented' in the story of a book they've never read?

I think to be an allegory for Alexander you'd have to actually have the desire to conquer. It's been awhile since I read the books but Paul's genocidal space jihad seemed to have started against his wishes and was running out of control.

Dune was past it's use by date.

They are already excluded from non-fiction (on the basis of never accomplishing anything of note beyond throwing sportsballs good), you want to exclude them from fiction as well?

Oy vey

>Alexander wanted to conquer
Plebian take. Parmenian had put Macedonia in debt with his expensive military reforms. Sparta hated them, as well as other states. Trade to the east was denied by persion occupation. Alexander had no choice but to invade. He needed A large army to maintain the kingdom but the kingdom couldn't support this army. Thats why occasionally Alexander had to sack cities. After Alexander started campaign he couldn't just stop until he had taken the empire or else war would start again.

However the allegory is more about the dangers of charismatic leaders as said by frank in an interview about why he wrote dune. You would have a hard time trying to argue paul isn't meant to be a stand in for alexander. The silk road=spice. Spice isn't oil like some retards think.

Yeah but Alexander was still running that war. I don't remember Paul even being involved in the jihad.

Why can't we get a movie about the kushite dynasty? Black people do have a history and its Kino. But too much soul for Hollywood.

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I did read the books.
Dune is unadaptable.

Thats messiah the second book.
We're talking about Dune

I've read the book and I don't care. It's a minor character who dies early one, so who gives a shit.

I agree. Dune is the most adaptable one in the series and half of it is internal monologues and conferences, no idea how you'd attempt Messiah. Not worried about nigger Kynes becuase she has probably 3 scenes then dies, i am worried about the fact that it looks like shit from the set photos and the guy playing Paul looks unrelentingly faggy. will not enjoy seeing his mug on screen for 2 hours