Was it horror kino, Yas Forums?

Was it horror kino, Yas Forums?

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fuck that

Yea, that shit is amazing.
Have you watched: In the Mouth of Madness?
It's pretty good.
If you're a big fan of body horror you should also check out junji ito and his body of work.

He okay?

>cute nice guy on a first date with a girl he likes with no ulterior motives towards her or anything else suffers an unimaginably agonising and grotesque, drawn-out death, all because he did the right thing in helping an injured homeless guy
>douchebag jerk saves his date, and the town, and survives without a scratch
>at the end she only has eyes for the asshole and doesn't even remember the poor fucker who got digested alive
Why does this give me an erection

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I should not have watched this as young as I was. What the fuck were you thinking mom

it was horror but it wasnt kino
the blob remake is legitimately one of the trashiest, most tasteless pieces of monster movie schlock out there, it almost makes Friday the 13th movies or The Last House on the Left look good

this traumatized me as a kid kek



Kek me too. Dad was drunk and showed me this when I was 8 and I was too scared to watch it again til I was 18. Now its one of my favorite gorrors.

He will walk it off.

to be honest fellas I'd beat off to this scene if it were a girl instead of a guy

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The Blob is just The Thing without anything that made The Thing good except for the gore
if your definition of a good horror movie is nothing but gore porn, then its fine, but you may as well just watch Street Trash aka Hobo Holocaust

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t. watches classic comfy 80s horror but doesn't like it because it's not a Fellini movie
You know that doesn't make you sound smart, right?
And Street Trash is amazing.

OP asked if it was kino, I explained that it wasnt
its schlock thats entertaining to riff on with friends, not an actual quality horror film that deserves a rating

what movie has that scene where someone's getting their head ripped off and the vocal cords stretch out causing the scream to get higher?

One of the few instances of someone seeing a loved one die and it feeling real. Good shit.

Oh shut the fuck up faggot

David Foster Wallace was shit.

Schlock but very well done schlock

Carnosaur 3?

Day of the dead

Day of the dead
First soldier death

Was pretty kino. Top 5 80s horror kino.

That's fucking cool.

fuck what the fuck is this?

The blob 1988

Again, you're thinking "if it isn't Citizen Kane, it's not kino". The Blob does everything it intends to do spectacularly. It's a great film.
Also, you don't like most films you claim to like. Sad.

Jesus christ! The unrelenting faggotry of this post blows my mind.

This. It was one of the greatest instances of practical effects of the 80s. And one of the last. Its of the same calibre as The Thing and The Fly imo. The weakest of the three, but the same tier of horror beauty.

thanks bros

Alright but what the fuck is going on? Thats terrifying.

I literally just saw this movie for the first time a few days ago and that pitch change freaked me out good. DotD is definitely in my top 3 for zombie movies. Absolute zombie kino.