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4 sucked so bad tho, should i actually give a chance to 5? i think i will just because i love kim so much

>4 sucked so bad
You unironically didn't understand it. You should watch 5 though either way.

Tell me again

1 > 2

I don't actually remember anything because of those 1,5 breaks between seasons. I remember i had some problems with season 4, but i can't remember what was that.
Only thing i remember is i really liked season 3 and i thought it's going to get really good from then.

2 and 3 were godlike and 1 was also really great but season 4 was full on a meme, it all turned so obvious and predictable. that finale was pathetic, like, seriously? that cut to kim is peak dishonest filmmaking.
adding Gale and the creation of Gus' lab also is completely unnecessary and cringe fanservice

>fans spend 3 whole years endlessly spamming “HURR WHEN DOES HE BECOME SAUL”
>get upset when he finally becomes saul

Its not really that dishonest though. Early on in season 5 we see Kim being caught in a really uncomfortable situation about whether to latch on to Saul for the ride or cut him loose. Its the first time she's really duped by him and its one of the motivating reasons why she doesn't feel she can trust him after the Mesa Verde fiasco.

Attached: Kim501.png (1271x632, 668.78K)

call me a brainlet, but season 5 is what i wanted BCS to be. the earlier seasons are good, but the stakes are so low in comparison.

all these cartel characters existed and saul / jimmy took a backseat.

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We don't have meaningful high stakes unless they took the time to flesh out Jimmy and Kim accordingly. Kim was a really tough one to pull off, because fans wouldn't naturally gravitate to her because of her lack of presence in Breaking Bad.


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For me, it's 5>3>4>1>2
I think everyone agrees 5 is the best, followed by 3. 4 and 1 are very close with 2 being slightly behind them.

Hard mode: rank the seasons of Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad together.

BB5 > BB4 > BCS5 > BCS3 > BB2 > BB3 > BCS4 > BB1 = BCS1 > BCS2

I agree that this season is what I always wanted, and I think next season will be more of the same. That being said, all the Jimmy vs Chuck, HHM, Sandpiper, Kim, and everything else that wasn't connected to the cartel was still good and built a strong foundation to make this season possible.

that's not what i'm complaining about

the execution of it was really bad though, i'm not sure what exactly was happening with the production of the show, but there was something wrong, maybe they should have had an even bigger break between seasons and take all the useless shit from s4 and made the finale happen earlier and in a way that didn't feel like a joke
there was still good stuff on s4, but it definitely made me not really interested in the show as much anymore and the addition of Hank on the new season also puts me off but i will be peeping s5 when it finishes

You didn't like the Slippin' Kimmy antics? That shit was kino. Something stupid montage was great. Jimmy putting all his guilt on Howard was great. Mike and Werner was interesting. Nacho becoming a double agent was not anticipated. And then the introduction of Lalo right at the end was the perfect time to integrate him. I thought season 4 overall was about as strong of a bridge season that could have been possible. It has allowed for season 5 to be great and hopefully more of the same in season 6.

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Webm of Lalo's anime jump?


I think because I used to work in an office similar to the one in the Davis and Main arc plus the whole dynamic of Saul vs. the establishment is why 2 is my favorite.
And 3 happens to have some of the best episodes in the series like Chicanery and the one where Gus gives a speech.
Lalo is kino so 5 is up next.
4 and 1 have great moments in them but overall a lot of filler, mainly the cartel stuff which is the weakest part of the show imo.

you are a fucking asshole dude

YES she is adorable in this season
also the show is really getting better

What cut to Kim? I don’t remember the finale except for the ending.

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Thank you. I love how ridiculous Lalo is. So sad he's doomed.

yes, there was a lot of good stuff on the season, but as a whole it feels off and most of it very obvious.
maybe they could have already started some of the stuff that they're doing on 5 during 4 and cut a lot of bullshit and then 5 could be the last one.
anyway, i will be checking 5 even though i might be feeling meh on the show atm, hope it is as good as the hype

It is dishonest, this shot (and all of season 4) implied this was the end, they spent the last season drifting apart, and now Kim is apparently okay with him being a friend of the cartel? There’s something a bit fishy with the writing here, but I’ll put trust in the BB team to pull it off.

I don't know that this implied it was the end. It definitely could have if they wanted to go that route this season but it also works in the context of season 5. Kim is literally on the brink of leaving him in Wexler v. McGill but she stops herself for a multitude of different reasons and decides committing is the best choice. When she became married to Jimmy she knew what she was getting herself in to.


They were winging it until this season, then they mapped out the rest of the show.

Kim and Jimmy conned under Ice Station Zebra Associates in S2 and desiring an office together has been a recurring plot point. They've known where we were going to ultimately end for a while.

Attached: IceStationZebraAssociates.jpg (665x369, 48.81K)

Lalo is painfully undercharacterized. what's the obsession with him

I watched s2 to s4 in the span of like 3 days so I have no real memory of where the seasons began and ended

s5 is based tho

>tfw No Lalo BFF to lift you out of your stagnant NEET life where you Terrorise Gringo Hicks and do Parkour.


Attached: S5_Lalo.png (438x658, 335.6K)

Honestly season 5 isn't the worst so far for me. 1-3 was pure kino. Very comfy.

Needs less cartel shit.

all good

would any of you unironically join the cartel if it meant you got to work for Lalo?

>this shot (and all of season 4) implied this was the end
it didn't. it meant to show consternation, that's all.

Hell Yes.
Imagine how kino your short life would be.