What are your fav daily spammed threads on tv?

what are your fav daily spammed threads on tv?

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the "fuck you" pepe poster
but i haven't seen him in a while

Not always a thread put the post with the silly dancing cat

Avatar 2 countdown

Schizo soijak threads are the funniest, but TUT TUT is the coziest. The LOTR threads don't count since they're actually good.

For some reason I can't stay away from threads with pic related. He's captivating, and he needs every glass to be toasted. To do so is impropriety.

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That guy who always posts that one thing.
You know who you are, I see you friend. And I appreciate you.
Keep it up bud.

alexanderposter threads

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The star wars shit posts pretending clone wars is good

>Have you thought about my cock today?
I loved that

Waifu posters using same picture all the time.

Its Saturday!
Shots night!

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The Leonidas one with the midge

>No, I’m Dunnhier

This. It’s not even really waifuposting, the threads are always just a collection of completely inane, random shit. Half the time there’s not even a webm of her nude scenes for threads that are like 50+ replies

The schizophrenic janny that posts mass reply threads and wojacks anything talking in the thread who's convinced that wojacks are coming out to kill him. I'm outside his house right now.

frog ones

While we're here, what's with that one new autist who responds to any sneedpost with some shit about statues or vaginas?

BvS too deep for audience. . I don't even watch capeshit and I don't even visit these threads but every time I see it in catalog, it gives me comfy feeling.

Maybe not daily, but I always go through BRAVO NOLAN's

chad threads and shitting on janny. Also Rome threads.

the jennaposting threads were nice

The obligatory wojak thread

Incidentally, I really miss OH IT SHOWS, QUENTIN.

The thread about television and film

those leftypol spam threads making america look bad

I didn't even watch BE but the madlad in the background were some of the best meme times I've had on this god-forgotten Maltese embroidery forum, and now, whenever I smoke King Tut strain, I imagine the meme and say TUT TUT TUT out loud to myself and sometimes I even snicker.

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oh my god
is this supposed to be a tranny?
what a damn shame
those hongenes

I unironically like the Sneed threads.

How can you talk like a /tttt/ browser and you couldn't tell he was a tranner right away lmao

I don't know.
I still don't know if I'm trans.
Shit's confusing and I don't want to look like THAT


>I still don't know if I'm trans.
retard you will never be a woman stop being a retard

You're never gonna know how you're gonna look until you just try the 'mones.

Keep in mind that guy was very clearly not attractive before hormones.
Are you handsome/cute? If so, the worst scenario you'll get is just looking a bit younger/more baby-faced/andro. So it's worth a shot.

> Bane...?

>Are you handsome/cute?

>If so, the worst scenario you'll get is just looking a bit younger/more baby-faced/andro.
Wouldn't that be weird with a male voice?

Whatever happened to the guy that would post gangster pepe with based 90s gangster rap lyrics? I miss that little nigger like you wouldn't believe